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There are two ways I know of to see a cool map of where you have traveled in the Galaxy. Both are 3D maps of your flight paths. You have to upload your log data from D:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch\Products\elite-dangerous-64\Logs where D: is you install directory. On both sites you can upload multiple logs at a time I am not sure how many, I did about 10 or 20 at a time as I had done it back to the beginning of when I started. Both sites you need to have a profile and be signed up, I cannot believe with all the data on you cannot do this it must be a fairly easy script. The first is a little ways down the page is a green button "+ Import netLog". When done click "Travel Map" tab and zoom in to see your map(not as pretty). The second site is a little ways down on the right click the "Upload My Log" button, then scroll dow and click the field that explains where the netLog is located. When done click "MAP" on the left context menu and select data you wish to display (a little prettier and interactive).