Personal content

Real name
Bal ______ Harkonnen (Presumed)
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
70 kg / 154 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Artificial Ocular Receptors (AORs)
CMDR Bal Harkonnen is suspected to be the last surviving member of House Harkonnen. House Harkonnen was an old and established family of colonial oligarchs within the Federation. They styled themselves as old nobility from Sol while maintaining their wealth through corporate rather than feudal means. It is rumored that Bal Harkonnen survived a Federally sanctioned purge by rivals of House Harkonnen in 3282, though nobody suspected it at the time. Bal Harkonnen resurfaced seemingly from nowhere in 3301 as a working member of the Pilots Federation. He is currently treated as a "person of interest" by the old rivals of House Harkonnen as they have yet to determine if he is in-fact a surviving son of the Harkonnens and if he poses any threat to their interests.

--Official Narrative End--


--Begin Secure Record--

Born: 3/10/3281
Place of Birth: 36 Ophiuchi
Name: Master Bal Dimitri Harkonnen
Father: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Mother: Unknown
Guardian: Ex-Harkonnen Servant

I don't remember my life before the purge. I only know my father through pictures and stories from my Governess. I was warned throughout my childhood that I could not tell anyone my true identity. She said it was to dangerous. I hated hiding. I hated my enemies for forcing me to hide. I hated the Federation for empowering those enemies. I hate them all for the childhood, father, and birthright they all stole from me. Well now they will know I live, and I will see them all on their knees before I die. My Children will one day have the position and life that was unjustly stolen from me.

-Excerpt from the Commanders log of CMDR Bal Harkonnen, January 3301-

CMDR Bal Harkonnen has followed various professions as a pilot over the last several years. Where ever the money was good he went. He proved to be a capable pilot of flexible morals and indominable courage. Slaver, Gun Runner, Assasine, Drug Smuggler, Peace keeper, Luxury/Discreet Chauffer. He has engaged in it all to one degree or another. No one would call him a humble man, but he is never to proud to get his hands dirty where his goals are on the line. Bal Harkonnen has had to go to ground a few times and hide in the void while those who continue to pursue and investigate his history lost his trail. He is committed to the destruction of the Federation and elimination of Communist elements throughout inhabited space. Bal Harkonnen has sought and found asylum within the Empire. He has aligned with the Nova Imperium for their hard line anti-Fed stance and commitment to the values of his forbearers. Ultimately, it is his intent to restore House Harkonnen to prominence. Henceforth House Harkonnen shall be built on the steadfastness and honor of the Empire, rather than the fickleness of Corporate interest the is pervasive in the rest of human space.

"Ave Imperator, Gloria in Excelsis Achenar" - New Harkonnen Motto, 3307-

--Secure Record End--