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Waking from the stasis slumber after many years of cold dead space, I slowly rose from my chamber with a head full of fog, where am i? how long have I been under? Why was I place into this God forsaken stasis chamber and left alone with no explanation?
Slowly and frustratingly the fog began to clear, patchy at first, small fragments of a life lost were forming before me. Not all at once or indeed in any sensible chronological order, but images, sounds and often smells would enter my head and the chrysalis of a memory would tease me.

I would see the same laboratory on countless occasions, also a well used furnace, libraries stacked full of literature from eons ago, the musty smell of history and of clinically clean areas would intermingled. The sounds of screams yet soft classical music would be defended by silence of solitude. The touch of cold latex gloves on my arms as my sleeves were slid up and the sharp pain of a needle being introduced to my veins as I lay bound to a bed, unable to resist and powerless to stop the unknown chemical entering my system. The darkness would consume me with the familiar voice of a female in a pristine white lab coat, in a soothing voice ensuring my passage into the unknown was an easy one.

I would wake alone in a chamber but the smell of the papyrus and 21st century literature would fill my nose. Free to read anything there I became aware I was being directed to read a certain section of books, as though to make a connection but still unable to link them. The cycle of induced sleep and study could have gone on for months, years, I had no recollection of time or the past, other than the historical influx from that library.

Then one day,

it all came flooding back.

Many cycles after waking from that stasis I had started to make my money.
I had just settled into the newest ship to my fleet a second hand Type 6 which was all my credits could amount to, I had sunk everything I could into buying this ship with hopes of millions of credits. My plans were dashed when a mysterious Thargoid ship pulled me out of super cruise and knocked me and my ship out. Knocked unconscious, this time without any help from a needle, I suddenly awoke and realised with no shields and a hull strength dropping faster than my chances here the Thargoid vanished. Left floating in the dead of space it came rushing back to my head.

The usual soft music of classical age, the soothing voice, the dusty library smell was not there, instead, flashing warning lights, unexplainable loud and violent noises of cracks, thunderous explosions from far off and a hastily stabbed needle from a gloveless pair of hands, before the stasis chamber door closed and the escape pod launched the name of the injector could be seen on her frayed, ripped and bloodstained lab coat....


Despite the panic and chaos around us, she calmly spoke to me and said "find him"

o7 CMDR's The Mainframe is coming back online, I have around 6 years to catch up with and my lights are on...See you in the Black.