Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
184 cm / 6' 0"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Slim Athletic
Skin color
Pale White
Hair color
Ash Blonde
Eye color
Green Left/Red Cyborg Right
Current Profession: 'Hired Gun'

Relations: None known.

Known Business Affiliations: Kumo Crew, Ugrivirii Life Inc., Dominion of Ugrivirii, HR 1475 Gang, Society of Kelie, Black Widow

Known Personal Affiliations: CMDR MacMorrough, Aylin Lynch

Background: Claiming to have been born in Lugh in 3277, Eris' early years before joining the Pilots Federation is obscure. No one is actually sure if Eris is even her real name, that's just what everyone seems to call her. This is by design on Eris' part. How Eris even managed to scrub all records of her birth and real name is unknown, just that she did.

What is known about Eris is that when she started her career as a pilots federation pilot in 3301 she was already a competent fighter pilot and her rank as a combat pilot increased at a quick rate. For her first few months as a pilot Eris travelled the bubble in her Viper MkIII making a living by collecting the occasional bounty she happened across. Eventually Eris reached the system of Ugrivirii, where she ended up staying to work as a bounty hunter in the local area. Eris became well known among the combat pilots of Jeffries Port after one particular combat encounter where a particularly stubborn pirate shot open her cockpit canopy, sending a shard of glass flying into her face, taking out her right eye and leaving her with the scar present on her face. Despite having one working eye, a diminishing oxygen supply, and malfunctioning engines, Eris still managed to kill the pirate and limp back to Jeffries Port, earning her a fearsome reputation among the locals.

Eris kept up this reputation, carrying out various contracts for the local factions and handing in scores of bounties on a regular basis. When the Mitschigua Empire Group began to move into Ugrivirii, starting a brief but fierce war with Ugrivirii Future, Eris joined the fighting, expanding her reputation further. Over the years she had become a trusted pilot for the factions in Ugrivirii, especially Ugrivirii Life Inc., for her willingness to carry out contracts that don't officially exist. Eris appears to excel in this line of work, with bounty hunting and mercenary work now only being a side job for her.

In 3306, due to the expanding influence of the Inquisition, and tightening security in the local area, Eris left Ugrivirii in search of a new home. Recently she has been operating out of Kelie in Archon Delaine's space, having been offered regular employment by the factions of Black Widow and the Society of Kelie. Eris has already built up a reputation for 'efficient problem solving' amongst the Society of Kelie, who have come to consider her a reliable 'contractor'.

Personality: Eris often carries a cold and hard demeanour, saying as little as she needs to to get her point across. Eris usually prefers to listen to other people than to actually talk herself, and always meets any questions about her identity and past with the same piercing expression. This coldness has undoubtedly aided her reputation as an efficient killer in Ugrivirii. Despite appearances, those who know Eris insist that she can be much warmer and kinder than she would have you believe, although they still can't tell you anything about her actual identity.

Eris' political stance is as anomalous as her identity. She has worked for multiple powers before, ranging from Arissa Lavigny-Duval to Archon Delaine. Eris rarely vocally supports any political movements, but has very vocally expressed a strong dislike of multiple entities, including, but not limited to Zemina Torval, the Utopian Movement, the entirety of Sirius Corp, and the Ugrivirii native minor faction 'Noctilucent Dyn'. Eris never elaborates on why she dislikes the entities she does, just saying that she dislikes them greatly and avoids working for them whenever she can.

Recently Eris has aired two somewhat controversial opinions; firstly that the NMLA only exists because of the Empire's persecution of Marlinists - stating that had the Empire treated regular Marlinists like humans and at least let them speak once in a while, the NMLA radicals wouldn't have as much support as they do. Secondly, Eris agrees with Archon Delaine's view that his authority is just as legitimate as that of other Factions as "Delaine is the de facto ruler of an entire sector of human space, and he has the military to maintain that rule. What makes him any different from the Empire? Both are autocratic dominions. Both were born from bloodshed and have maintained their control through force. And both exploit the unfortunate and helpless for the benefit of the ruling class. The one difference is that, unlike the Empire, and even the Federation (who also exploit the unfortunate), Archon Delaine and his Kumo Crew are honest about what they are."

Perhaps most interesting of Eris' views, however, is her stance on the Thargoids, who she shows no hostility towards, and even a hint of admiration. Those who know her speculate that this has come from one of her trips to the pleiades in early 3303, where she was hyperdicted by a Thargoid interceptor. Apparently she was enthralled by the encounter, and would not shut up about it for days after she returned to Ugrivirii - something that is very unusual for the normally quiet listener. Eris has a tendency to simply disappear for weeks or even months, and then just return as if nothing happened. These periods often coincide with her receiving a rather large wanted level following a particularly hot contract.