Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
So that's me. I'm Cmdr. Cerse, it used to be Dorian though. I'll get to that in a minute. My days are spent out in the black, doing some trading, running, sometimes smuggling, whatever it takes to pay the bills These things keep me occupied. I'm kind of a jack of all trades, master of none. The thing I love to do is collect ships. I'm one of those guys who has good intentions, but I seem to have bad luck wherever I go.

You see, I started my early days as a salvager, and a mechanic for the Imperial Army. The 46th Engineering division. Bravo Company. Anything to keep some of those ships going when they're in deep space. Four years of it, day in and day out. Those space suits get pretty funky when your out there fourteen hours cutting through a hull to get black boxes and such. Man my ADD kicked in a lot. My bad luck too. Got stranded on an Imperial Courier once, with barely any life support, and pirates taking pot shots, while my crew was fending them off. After my days were up in the Navy, I decided to get my Pilots License. The instructor said I had one of the worst flight training simulator runs he's ever seen. But after several (11) attempts, I passed with flying colors (barely).

Maybe it's because in my early days I blew up a trader by accident. I was in my Sidey, and I accidentally boosted out of the station. I might have had my Pilots License, but I was not in any condition to go flying that thing. Well as luck had it there was an Adder coming in with no shields.I bounced off his canopy, he bounced off the station, and he yelled "Curse you!!" as the station blew him to smithereens. Well.... that's how I got my call sign. You like it? It's a play on words? Oh well. It takes some getting used too.

I actually started playing around in the Federation space for a while too. I mean who doesn't want a space ship like a Corvette. That thing is like a mobile nuclear bomb! Oh, did I mention I'm a history buff. If I find anything about ancient history, especially Sol history I'm all over it.

Let's see I think I covered most of it.... I like long walks on the beach (Never been to one), I'm always kind to animals (Had a pet goldfish once), and my favorite color is green....

Well at least my flying has improved.