Cmdr Kayutov
Privateer / Space cowboy
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II KEV-07
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Epsilon Scorpii
Year of birth
173 cm / 5' 8"
72.5 kg / 160 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born on October 20th, 3278 on Tokarev Hub in the Epsilon Scorpii system. My parents worked on the agriculture ring, and for most of my young life, I worked alongside with them. However, for as long as I can remember, I dreamed of one day becoming a pilot and exploring the skies. Since I was young, my favorite way to pass the time would be to just watch the ships fly in and out of the docks, and listen to pilot's stories while moonlighting at the bar. While my family weren't politically active, they were still patriots, and believed in fighting for the Federation, for its ideals, and for the prosperity it brought to the system. With their blessing, I made it my goal to become a pilot and join the Federal Navy. On November 28th, 3306, I made my dreams a reality and received my pilot's license.

Under Zachary Hudson's banner and a Recruit in the Federal Navy, I started out my pilot's career conducting combat and data transfer missions. Eventually I worked my way up to the rank of Petty Officer and was able to afford the Diamondback Explorer. With that small ship, I signed up to help with the Ammonia Worlds Data Collection initiative on December 5th, 3306, and made my first foray into the black, alone. After a week of scanning and mapping new, undiscovered systems and planets, I was awarded the Explorer rank of Elite on December 8th, 3306.

With the funds acquired from the exploration campaign, I was able to buy two specialty ships, a Fer De Lance and a Type 9, both of which were used in the subsequent campaigns supporting the establishment of the new Marlinist Colonies. Afterwards I was deployed to HIP 54530 to support the Silver Legal Group in their battle against Jupiter Division. For my service in that conflict, I was promoted to the rank of Ensign.

On February 18th, the preparations for the Galactic Summit began, where I participated in four related subsequent initiatives to support it. Due to those efforts, I was awarded the Trader Rank of Elite on Mar 5th, 3307. On Mar 11th, the Galactic Summit was cut short by the Nine Martyrs Bombing. I refitted my Anaconda to ferry passengers, and went to rescue people from the bombed ports across the various systems. Due to my rescue efforts, I was awarded the rank of Rear Admiral. I participated in the three efforts afterwards to bring medical supplies to the survivors. Once the Neo-Marlinists were found in Muhdrid, I joined Epsilon Fornacis in their fight against them. For my efforts, the Empire awarded me the rank of Master.

Tired of the bloodshed, I left the bubble and set my sights on exploration, and assisted with the Aegis appeal for Guardian Artifacts. The break from conflict was short lived however, when tensions arose between President Hudson and Shadow President Winters. I was against the mass surveillance, believing it would lead to a totalitarian rule, I helped deliver the required data to Shadow President Winters. However, I was still enlisted in the Federal Navy, so shortly afterwards I was deployed to support the League of Mandu in their fight against the Imperium Nova in Paresa.

With the defeat in Paresa, and disheartened by the reality of what the Federation is becoming, I retired from the Federal Navy and traveled to Alliance territory. As an independent contractor, I earned credits by trading commodities and mining. I supported Edmund Mahon's expansion policy initiative by delivering the required commodities. Two weeks later, Silver Legal Group was once again in conflict with Jupiter Division. I joined my old friends at Silver to fight again, but this time not under the Federation's flag, but just my own.

On June 24th, 3307, the mysterious group Salvation called for Guardian artifacts. Seeing as it would be a great opportunity to acquire Guardian technology, I volunteered to help. With this effort, I was able to unlock all the Guardian Modules.

I returned to combat on July 1st, 3307, to aid Azaladshu Free gain their independence from the Federation. I fought against many of my old Navy comrades, alongside other ex-Navy pilots like myself. In the end, we achieved an overwhelming victory and secured Azaladshu Free's independence.

Afterwards, an old contact from Epsilon Fornacis said the Empire was in need of my skills, and asked if I'd be interested in joining the Imperial Navy. While I did not believe in the Empire's policies and ideals, I missed the camaraderie I experienced being in the Federal Navy, and thought it would be a good way to earn some credits. So I agreed to enlist, and began an intense campaign of Imperial missions in various systems, quickly rising through the ranks, and became promoted to Duke on July 18th, 3077.

Deciding to take a break from politics, I retired from the Imperial Navy as well and once again became an independent contractor. However, I realized that I still missed that companionship I felt fighting along fellow pilots, and hoped to find it somewhere.

On July 20th, 3077, I was accepted as a recruit to the Ghost Legion. My pilot career will continue, I will continue exploring the unknown, helping where needed, serving the ideals I grew to believe in. Where it may take me, I will not know. Our galaxy is vast, and despite my already storied career, it's all been in such a small speck of it. There's still so much to discover.