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So, someone seems interested in my little story telling even though I've only really put up 2 logs, and I was asked to make profiles for characters that I had been doing so I guess... here we go!! yayyyy.

Elden Frost:
Age: 53 by earth standard
Height: 5’9 or 69 in or 175.25 cm
Weight: 210 lbs or 95 kg
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Very light ash brown
Hair type: unkempt, messy, short, no widows peak
Face description: oval face shape with a very light beard with stubble growing around it, with a nose that looks like it came from a Greek statue.  
Body description: a little on the heavier side, strong legs and arms but not very fit.  
Defects: None

Backstory: Elden started off in Federation space with a sidewinder he’d picked up after working as a dock boy for a good 20-30 years, after getting in trouble with the local government over minor things like sleeping with people’s wives or getting into bar fight shoot outs (you know… small things), he took the long haul and made his way to empire space, trading along the way… making just enjoy to upgrade himself to an adder known as the Taco truck, while he wasn’t the one who came up with the name, the Taco truck served Elden by being a transport ship for a while for food, medical supplies, small things that made a pretty penny and let him start amassing a nice credit flow.  When he arrived in Imperial space, he aligned himself with the Disney princess, for the simple fact that while she might not be best or be lying about her stand point on people and traders, she was less likely to sell people into indentured servitude.  Continuing to trade for a little while, he happened upon two future wing-men, Jason Wolfe and Dayzgone.  The three partnered up and did various trade and military missions which lead to a much needed pat down to the wallet.  Elden traded in his adder for a Cobra mark III and a type 6.  He had stayed with the ships for a long while but switching between them didn’t particularly suit his fancy, he wanted 1 ship to do everything or be well rounded in everything.  This is when he found his prize for the time being…  The Radiant Star, the ship that could handle a fight, could handle a large cargo, and was able to get out there and explore the galaxy.  Since then he’s met up with a young man named Relenth and taken the boy in as his co-pilot.  Hell, he might eventually get himself a full crew if this keeps up.

Personality: Elden likes money, he likes making a lot of money, but he has a weird line when it comes to the whole imperial slavery.  He wants to have them all free under Aisling’s control, but he also wants to make a lot of money, it gives him guilt when he transports them but he also believes that they can pick themselves back up.  He doesn’t like the idea of having a little guy that you can beat to death just because you bought him, so he is strictly against slavery and piracy, which surprisingly gets him into more trouble inside stations than not.  

Relenth Penumbra (Met him here!)
Age: 26 by earth standard
Height: 6’ 1 or 73 in or 185 cm
Weight: 180 lbs or 81.67 kg
Eye Color: dark green
Hair Color: mahogany red
Hair type: long, pony tailed with a widows peak
Face description: angular face, clean shaven, a little bruised at the moment, hawk like nose,
Body description: thin but fairly muscular build all around.
Defects: Branded on the left hip with the mark of imperial slavery

Background: It’s unclear since Elden wasn’t paying attention and/or the boy was lying through his face.  One thing is clear though, the kid makes a pretty good co-pilot and can handle his own against slightly weaker ships in a combat scenario.  

Personality: The boy seems loyal enough to his rescuer but it is unsure to determine at this time due to knowing him for only a little while.  The boy is quick witted, a little whiney, and a compulsive liar which should make things interesting.