Personal content

Real name
Richard 'Ringo' Simpkins
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
108 kg / 238 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
After a rather lucky hand at the card table I found myself the proud owner of a beaten up Sidewinder, which I renamed the 'Well Dented', and decided to get out of Dreay Prospect once and for all. Thirty years of working in the waste recycling plant was quite enough for one lifetime, besides I'd heard there is a lot of credits hauling crap from one place to another and that has turned out to be quite true!

After a few weeks staying local I'd managed to gain enough to upgrade the Well Dented a little and struck out in to the wider pastures .. mainly due to a better more reliable FSD! As it happened, a couple of the contracts I'd done gained me a bit of rep, and before long I got enough creds for a Asp X and have never looked back - mainly due to the fact that the 'Stranger Here Myself' can jump quite a way!

As a result of this I found myself itching to see more of the galaxy and went off to try get to Colonia .. not a good plan as it turned out, running before I could walk and had to get myself rescued by the Rats and wise words spoken to me. So, returning to the Bubble, I turned on Galnet and chased the news, good money to be had, plus a lot of experience to be gained.

Today, I take things a lot slower, steady building and careful planning. I still want to get to Colonia, maybe even Beagle Point (not least because my birthday is 26th May), but thats for the future. I've spent the last weeks 'fighting the good fight' in Sirius in my swanky Chieftan and upgraded my Python, Ethics Gradient' then with the bonus payment got me a beast of an Anaconda called Clear Air Turbulence - it can't go anywhere yet, but at least it's mine, my key to Colonia.

I don't think I'll be seeing Dreary Prospects again any time soon!