Personal content

Real name
Zack Countler
Place of birth
Year of birth
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The dark is endless, the universe infinite, our galaxy stuffed with wonders just waiting to be seen. There is a majesty in the endless void, the darkness broken only briefly by the setting sun on an alien world. To see the galaxy in all its glory you must travel. There is a certain feeling, a draw upon those who crave adventure, who are not frozen in the Bubble, doomed to only see a small portion of the galaxy. It is indescribable, this feeling. Once you feel it, you can never go back. Once you see the phantoms in Witch Space, the glittering rings around a gas giant, alien life drifting peacefully in hard vacuum, how can you ever go back to the Bubble? It is inconceivable. And yet we do. We go back for one simple reason: inspiration. We wish to inspire the new CMDR, to have them travel to distant suns beyond our ancestors wildest dreams. To see the sights of this glorious galaxy with their own two eyes, not simply hearing about it. That is our true mission. It is to spread that feeling, that draw to the unknown, that desire to do just one more jump, simply to see what the next system holds, that is what we are truly doing.

We are the dreamers of the universe, we are the wanderers, the explorers, those who dare to go where none have gone before. Dangerous? Yes. Do we die? Of course. Are we lost forever in the endless void? Every day. But something keeps drawing us back into that deadly abys. I know not what it is, I only know what to call it: Wanderlust.