Personal content

Real name
Anthony Reeves
Place of birth
Year of birth
195 cm / 6' 5"
81 kg / 179 lb
Build type
Relatively lean
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Vaguely Imperial
He had served in the Empire since he was a child, and he was very lucky in the fact that his family was just high enough in terms of social status to stay out of slavery. He developed a mild distaste towards the Empire during this time, as he had to live in fear of falling into that social class. He was lucky enough to procure a Pilot's License, and he felt his problems would be solved because of this. He often ran courier or delivery missions for various ports he found himself at. Eventually, however, he left the nearby limits of Dromi's space and jumped to Arcadia. It was there that he received the message that he had his permit revoked, and he was no longer allowed to turn to Dromi or its surrounding systems. This, of course, meant he was to be refused access to his family and friends in Dromi, and that was less than desirable. After a few days of contemplation, he found himself in Chup Kamui with his new Core Dynamics Eagle. It was here he learned of both the Federation and the Alliance, as well as their leaders. After a bit of consideration, he decided to join the Federation under Zachary Hudson. It was an old enemy of the Empire and was pushing this ideal of "Everyone can find work or serve", which was very appealing to someone who has just been ejected in a way from the Empire. While he disliked the idea of outright fighting the Empire, especially because it was really the Pilot's Federation that was responsible for the permit lock, he felt that if he were able to fight for the elimination of slavery, he could secure a good future for his family. He promptly began plotting a course for Federation territory, and settled on the Gliese 868 system. It took him quite some time in his dinky little Eagle, but he arrived in the system after a day or so of travel. After settling down in Bacon Port, he discovered that there were two ringed planets within the system, also meaning that there were two safe resource extraction sites. This brought on one of the darker moments in his life. In a stupid, frivolous attempt to quickly gain riches, he blew nearly all the credits available to him on trying to cobble together a mining vessel. He was down to a little over 100k credits after this failed endeavor, and was left with a Sidewinder, an Eagle, and an Adder that barely functioned. The next day, however, he got a hold of himself. He had to find a stable income, if not just for his sake. Luckily, he was approached with the idea of Bounty Hunting. He outfitted his Eagle for the job and instantly found his calling. After a single trip to the nearest resource extraction site, he found himself in possession of one million credits, a ludicrous amount to a pioneering pilot. Especially one that had only been running courier and delivery missions until this point. This opened a very wide range of possibilities. The idea of owning a higher end ship was suddenly plausible, and he had an idea in mind. He had seen it as an available option way back on a Fleet Carrier he had docked at on his travels: The Vulture. It was a beautifully designed ship with excellent combat capabilities. It was easily his dream combat ship. Better yet, it was just under five million credits, which was now a perfectly attainable amount. For an entire week, he worked hard as a bounty hunter, scraping in as many credits as he could until finally, he had the money to buy the ship and to afford the rebuy. A short trip to Li Yong Rui space let him purchase the Vulture at a discount, and he spent another week outfitting the ship and giving it its own unique look. The ship now goes by the name "Umbral Scarab", has over 500 kills to its name, and it has earned over 80 million credits. Now, Anthony Reeves serves as an independent pilot, taking a variety of jobs and pushing the Federation's name.