Personal content

Real name
Catherine Earnshaw
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
54 kg / 119 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Catherine Earnshaw (Kate to her friends), was born to a serving family on Achenar 6d. From around the age of 15, people noticed her and at 16, her parent’s employers (A Duke in the house of Duval), brought her into their home to serve the family.

It was three years later, during a major function, where Kate was charged with serving Hors-d'œuvre to the dignitaries, that one particular guest noticed her striking and natural beauty. He was a notable fashionista, always looking for the next face for his fashion empire. He whisked her away with the promise of fame and fortune. her Parents were paid to turn a blind eye, which they were not unhappy to do. She hasn't seen them again to this day

It was on the Catwalk, where she met Effie Trinket, the most beautiful girl that Kate had ever seen. Effie was the only child of a hugely influential couple who virtually owned the entire Holo-Media Networks throughout the Federation and the Empire!

Kate never imagined they could ever be friends...

Initially, Kate felt that Effie was a little aloof, but that could easily have been her own lack of self belief, doubting that she deserved her place in such 'High Society', but then one day in the dressing room, backstage of a huge Holo-TV Awards extravaganza on Rhea, when a large, terribly bullish man in with a red nose started to force himself upon Kate, that Effie launched herself across the room and without a hint of hesitation, punched the man squarely in the face!

The two girls instantly became friends and soon after, best friends. They looked out for one another for the next couple of years whilst they both became the most highly paid, most sought after models in the Bubble.

In their time away from gigging the circuit, the two girls enjoyed outdoor sports and Kate in particular, found she enjoyed the Martial Arts. It wasn't long before she had won more than a few tournaments in Taekwondo.

The two friends had not seen home, or a catwalk, for a couple of years now, ever since Effie got herself all mixed up with that damn Winters woman and they both had to make a run for it. Kate knew that Felicia Winters would never let such a private matter become public gossip and would stop at nothing to ensure Effie’s (and her own) silence. So they have been on the run ever since, although not officially. Officially their standing in Federation Rep was no worse than it was with any other faction in the Bubble. Winter’s actions to track them both down were far from official Federation business.

As a result, Kate and Effie now travel the void at each other’s side, picking up work where they can and there is absolutely nothing that Kate wouldn't do for her friend. Effie attracts the wrong kind of attention at times, which is annoying, but Kate considers it her duty to look out for her, just as Effie had protected her all those years ago when Kate was green and could easily have become just another cast-away in the backwaters and shadier side of the modelling business.

Also, when she had been kidnapped and held hostage by a Pirate Lord on his private yacht and kept as a plaything for his personal amusement, it was Effie who had managed to secure her release. That experience is why Kate later became so devoted to mastering the nuances of the Martial Arts and ship to ship tactical combat principals. Never again would she allow herself to be taken alive!

Effie is Kate's only Family now.