Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
194 cm / 6' 4"
94 kg / 207 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Brown / Grey
Eye color
Born on Diso to Marax, my Mother who worked in the local Space Port Cafe and Tarin my Father, he just worked where he could get it. Spent my childhood years in the local school / Nursery when both parents were working. I suppose I cant complain, the times we were together the love for each other was more than any of us could ever want. My Grandparents on my dads side left me enough credits to buy a ship, all be it a second hand bucket, but it was mine. I would have said it was rusty in places, but it was a taint left ion the metal after a bad cargo run of food that got contaminated with Thargoid blood. No idea where that came from but oh well. I spent the better part of that year bouncing around the cosmos in search of the elusive "Big Score", ducking in and out of systems and spending more on repairs than I ever made. A chance meeting in the Astral Cafe on one of my breaks from fixing the bucket, a guy said "Would you run some messages for us", so i did. It didn't take long till things started to go from me owing the bank, to the bank asking where I was getting paid.
One job I even got given an Imperial Eagle by an amorous Princess of the court, just as a tip for some sensitive info transfer, cant imagine what that was. After that a kind of stepping stone through the ranks and now I own a small fleet of ships, even hired a couple of guys. All this for just calling into a Cafe for a coffee and disobeying the parental rule, "Dont Talk To Strangers"