Personal content

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(Under slow and heavy edit)

July 2016 (Date I found and joined Inara)

-Raised on -- between Imp and Fed Factions in Secoya (Joined Inara, Been playing for a couple of months
Bought ship: Type-7 Transporter) spent youth saving for cargo freighter, and began shipping between -- and -- After making a name for himself he migrated to the edge of the bubble in a federation system and created a small network for commerce in the area. home system --

13 FEB 2017J joined squadron: Cerberus (Met a good group of players, grew into a solid player during this time) Joined the crew down in Terminus, and started running missions for the squadron, helping to protect the citizens of Cerberous and pushing back negative influences surrounding us in other systems. Slowly overtime Commanders entered retirement, eventually leaving only myself active. I surrendered the system and faction to the chaos of the surrounding powers.

Joined squadron: Twin Suns Assassins (Cerberus inactive, last remaining player active. Joined TSA, they have an interesting backstory and are active) Become an adept player at this time. I met Indianajonesy on Innara, and joined TSA. some of my fondest memories of Elite are during the time I spent with the players in this group. TSA are the refuges left from the fracturing of a larger and intolerant wing. Wandering the bubble they eventually landed in LHS 2471 and once established spent considerable time and resources pushing their influence from that point outward. During this time I did the beagle run and got my name under a bunch of stars in a nebula in the NW quadrant of the galaxy with MRMadMatt, designed their logos for their main banner and then matching discord pics for all the guys. all in all a fantastic time. However as is the case with all squads in Elite they slowly went inactive one at a time until there were only a couple of us left. At which point the remaining active left for Nuetons Fusilars to engage in PvP related Activities.
05 MAR 2017

Joined squadron: Newton's Fusiliers( TSA goes inactive, Join the Fusiliers in Coma to sharpen PvP skills, I Go inactive in August 2018) This was a good push into PvP, the Fusiliers were known throughout the game for their PvP skills. I had been friends with Phisto for a long time, so as TSA began to die I reached out to join them. Although my PvP skills improved under them, I went inactive for RL reasons too soon to truly join their ranks earned by their remarkable skills.
31 MAR 2018

Account Reset in move to PC from XBox
Joined squadron: Nova Navy (Fantastic Backstory, active crew)
16 AUG 2020 I start playing Elite dangerous again, and reset my account moving from Xbox to PC. Re-earning all the ranks and engineer access was brutal, even after two years I havn't fully regained all my old ranks and engineered gear. but it was worth it as the Game is experienced in a whole new way on PC. Nova Navy has an interesting backstory, and really enjoyed playing with that crew. however during this play period I have become more of a lone wolf player.

Joined squadron: Yomar Consortium (Frontier kills NN minor faction and story, numerous inactive, Yomar consortium spins off from the core of NN under a new story)
03 DEC 2021. After Frontier kills off the minor faction and storyline that NONA is built around, a spliter faction forms a criminal consortium on the edge of the bubble and reaches out to me to join. I do so.

Jan 2020, I take the fleet carrier out to the galactic ceiling and down to sagA. It costs me 780mill in Tritium but I enjoyed it. I could have spent more time on exploring once I finally arrived in that zone, however I was already burned out on exploring and itching to get back to the bubble. I'm not much of an explorer.

August 20, 2022. Yomar Consortium almost completely inactive. Pirate Commander Yumasai rejoins the Nova Navy. I seek out another pirate faction to join, exclusively looking for active member health and nothing else. Nova Navy was a tempting choice for me, however the group is largely inactive. The Black Widows take me in. I have sold my carrier to reduce carrying costs of the game. The Widows seem like a fun crew, I look forward to spending time with them. I haven’t shed my lone wolf style of play. But still enjoy being apart of a team effort.