Personal content

Real name
Marcus Yaneck
Place of birth
Year of birth
188 cm / 6' 2"
92 kg / 203 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Adopted into an honest, hard-working family in the Aornum system at a young age, Marcus Yaneck enjoyed a steady upbringing in the hands of his entrepreneurial parents. With an eye for practical work and keeping busy Marcus would become a constant sight in the company workshops, always determined to prove to his family that he could be useful, wanting to feel he had earned the trust they had always put in him.

Having started out revamping tired old industrial units and businesses on Aornum his parents would eventually manoeuvre the company into a niche market outfitting starships on Hardwick Orbital. Over time this venture would become the company's forté, gathering a reputation for refitting passenger ships, couriers and specialist government vessels to whatever specification their customers called for. By his early 20s Marcus had found the kind of calling he had always wanted when he became the expanding company's primary cargo pilot. Shuttling everything from bucket seats to dining tables and computer banks to reels of wire between the company's planetside base and orbiting workshops quickly became his vocation, which in turn became an itch.

By the time his older sister had taken charge though Marcus had started to feel wanderlust pulling him away from simply delivering cargo to orbit. As he spent more and more time in the concourses of Hardwick Orbital he came to meet more and more of the galaxy's more seasoned star pilots; commanders who had taken large ships and their crews half way across the Milky Way as just another day's work. The ideals and the life of a freelance haulage pilot seemed to resonate with Marcus more and more and at 27 he finally dared himself to bite the bullet, saying goodbye to his old career and striking out on his own, now determined to prove his worth not to his family, but to himself.

For half a decade he roamed wherever the work took him, always willing to offer his service to more or less anybody for an honest price. He shipped grain and heirlooms, ferried businessmen and refugees, carried encrypted data, tracked down escape pods and was fired on on more than one occasion, to which he quickly learned that half the battle was simply proving that you were willing to shoot back.

By now though Marcus' life has begun to catch up with him. He has seen more than his fair share in his travels, having experienced most corners of the various human territories and whatever societies and governments claimed them as their own. 3307 sees Marcus making his life largely around the Osane system, a holding of Aisling Duval, finding himself drawn to the security and stability of Imperial space, a place where a man can simply make himself a decent, honest life to the best of his ability. He has started to feel once again like settling down, having had his fun in the life of a travelling freelancer. He has found Aisling's growing and vocal movement of Imperial reform encouraging for the future, though he is still hesitant to draw himself into politics and idealism, wary of trying to change a galaxy that seems so often beyond comprehension.

For now Marcus will just take his time, looking for his next vocation to settle into, a new company, family or crew with which he might find his own worth. As strange as it seems to some of the more hot-headed pilots he has met over the years, Marcus is the kind to measure himself not in fame or the balance of his credits, but simply how much use he can be to those he respects, to the skills and services he can provide and the kind of niche he can make for himself as his own small part of a big galaxy.