Personal content

Real name
Michael Fuller
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
102 kg / 225 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Michael was born in Olympus Village on Mars in Sol to parents George and Merida (Weatherby) Fuller. He is the second of four children, Elizabeth, Michael, James, and Penelope. Parents were both enlisted in the Federal Navy, with father serving two tours aboard the FNS Vigilant. Mother was stationed planet-side as a doctor in the emergency department of the Federal Medical Complex. Shortly after Penelope was born, George's enlistment in the Navy ended and the Fullers moved to Perth, Australia on Earth where George took a job with a private security company coordinating vessel escorts for client shipping companies and Merida worked as the head of emergency medicine for a local hospital. The children had a stable, happy childhood, not moving again until they left for college.

Elizabeth became enamored with Human history early in her childhood. She attended Oxford University and moved to London where she married and currently resides. She is an archaeologist at the Natural History Museum. Her husband, Jim, is employed by the city of London in the Civil Engineering Dept. She has three children, two daughters and a son.

James followed in his mother's footsteps by going through medical school. Having just recently finished his residency in Olympus Village on Mars, he is now a surgeon for the vo Dock Health System in LHS 142. James married while in med school and has two sons. His wife, Jessica, works in vo Dock station's flight traffic control center.

Penelope joined the Federal Navy right after high school. After serving a two-year tour on the FNS Leander, she transferred to Federal Navy Command in Olympus Village. She is now on track to advance in the ranks to the upper echelons. Her husband is also in the Federal Navy. They have one daughter.

Michael has always had his eyes on the sky. He fell in love with the black when his dad would take him along in his Cobra on low-risk escort missions. Skipping college, Michael enlisted in the Federal Navy at the age of 18 and served a 2-year tour aboard the FNS Foundation and another 2-year tour aboard the FNS Kingston. He soon became restless in the Navy because he rarely ventured outside of Federation space. While onboard the battle cruisers, Michael often spent his off-duty hours staring out the viewports at all of the distant stars, dreaming of sailing off into the black without the rank and file of military life. Once out of the military, Michael joined one of his dad's clients' fleets as a trading vessel pilot. Piloting a freighter wasn't a glamorous job, but Michael was able to scratch that exploring itch by taking the long-distance haul jobs. He was able to spend more time out in the fringes of civilized space, visiting stations, outposts, and planetary settlements from one side of the Bubble to the other. However, after a few years of space trucking, that exploration itch started to build again. Michael longed to be able to get out and drive his SRV across the sandy dunes of the planets he was delivering shipments to. He wanted to be able to take his time and not worry about shipment deadlines. He wanted to be able to really take in all that he was seeing. He wanted to get outside of his routine routes. Michael left the shipping company, joined the Independent Pilots Federation, bought a Sidewinder and worked his way up to a Diamondback Explorer that he named 'Serenity'. With Serenity engineered and properly outfitted, he has made it his mission to get out into the black and visit all 42 galactic regions. It will be quite the trip, but it will most definitely be worth it.