Personal content

Real name
Alison Nemara
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
60 kg / 132 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Pastel Red
Eye color
Alison Nemara was born in 3289 at Bohr Gateway, Mehuenomici, as the daughter of two scientists and marlinism-sympathists. Following her birthplace's namesaker she pursued the study of physics, especially astronomy and quantum mechanics. Needless to say the rumors of Raxxla reached her soon and after applying for a license from the pilots federation as fast as possible she immediately set out to find her own paths through the darkness of space.
Like her parents, Alison is not content with the Empire's way. After leaving Empire space, flying around a bit looking at the other powers none seemed appealing to her either. She has been enjoying a simpler life in independence from then on. Respect and honesty are the values she judges others by. Above all, she credits every human being with a dignity that one cannot loose. People make mistakes, that is only human. She despises to punish, but wants to help everybody to overcome their flaws.

Be truthful and use your rational mind, and you can count on Alison Nemara to stand by your side.

Past Expeditions:
The Infernal Expedition [Veroandi > Srg A* > Beagle Point > Colonia > Veroandi]
The Great Southern Infernal Expedition [Veroandi > Livingstone Point > Amundsen's Star > Veroandi]
Artemis Biological Survey [Veil Nebula West > Srg A*]
Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition [Hind Nebula > Statue of Liberty Nebula > David and Goliath]
Great Infernal Galactic Circumnavigation Expedition [Gebel > Magellan's Star > Beagle Point/Salomé's Reach > Erikson's Star > Colonia > Gebel]
Explore the Core Infernal Expedition [Gebel > Galactic Core circumcision > Srg A* > Gebel]

Ongoing Expeditions:

Upcoming Expeditions:

Alison Nemara joined the Fuel Rats on 3007-06-06 and earned her tail on 3307-08-13.

Alison's EDSM Profile