Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Northern (English)
I was raised on a Coriolis station in a Federation controlled backwater called Calor. My father was an ex-Federal Navy officer turned Miner. My mother was a Imperial nobleman's daughter. They moved to the system to escape the disapproval of their families. We lived well despite our low income. We had a normal, uneventful childhood. Until one day, there was an accident.
I'm not sure what happened, I didn't listen to the details, I was numb and distraught. Both my parents and 4 others died that day. It was only after that I learned about the money.
My Brother and I had inherited a small fortune, but there was a catch. The money could only be used to pay for our pilots training, and full membership into the pilot's federation. So that's what we did. It wasn't long before I was sat in a loaned sidewinder with the whole galaxy at my feet.
I knew fairly quickly that exploration was what I wanted to do. As soon as I was out of the sidewinder I left the bubble seeking the unexplored. A viper wasn't the best choice but it was fun. It gave me a taste. On my return I began to raise the funds for an Asp.
This was the worst time of my career. I went through so many ships I lost count. I was shot at, pirated, I crashed into stations and Ieven was taken hostage and beaten. I don't want to go into the details of that but eventually... I got my Asp.

The Crimson Wanderer. She pretty much got me from Aimless to Elite by herself. Three trips to colonia, two trips across The rift and even a visit to the centre of the galaxy itself. Countless hours out in the black, just me and her. Then I was Elite, the best of the best, apparently.

During this time I worked for a number of different employers, the Federation, the Empire, Sirius Corp. Igboniu natural industries, the Alliance, SEPP and more. They were all convinient for a quick credit, but I had no cause, nothing to work towards. I used my new found wealth to invest in a company. The Crimson power network was close to bankruptcy when I came along, now it's a corporation spanning 14 systems. Time to move on... Join a Squadron... The Elite Voyagers Intrepid League...