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Joined game at 3307(2021) Jan 11th, Matet.
Faction Houshou Marlinists established at 3307(2021) March 19th.

Often do people talk of the word "respect" yet the very first thing they do is insult another without reason, I wish one day they'll grow up and understand proper manners and attitude, when you say "It's a game", it doesn't just gives you the rights to insult / slander or any other moves that is straight-forward impolite and out of common sense to another actual human being.

If you're here to talk about BGS, sorry to say, but I do not wish to talk about BGS anymore after the SSF incident that made me quit once.
I do not have hostile or malice intents, it's likely that I was just passing by doing missions, unlike despicable people, I say what I say and do what I do, I simply don't backstab.

If you ever are going to do communications or negotiations, please LEARN or TRY to use neutral tones at the very least, even if the opposition is your enemy in-game, they're not your enemy in real-life, show basic respect, if English ain't your native language, please tell before-hand so there will be less misunderstanding, there's nothing wrong with not being good at English, over half of world population don't use it as the first language. Internet is well developed, even with 0% knowledge of a language, you can still use DeepL or Google, or whichever choice.

If you want to join SSRB, simply search in-game and apply to join, be aware that we do not gather, if the application takes too long, you could message me through inara.
If you want to help cause for our fellow Marlinists faction, simply help whichever way you could, do mind we have extreme hostile neighbors surrounding us in the remote side of the bubble, don't ask why.