Personal content

Real name
Coyote De Cypher
Place of birth
Year of birth
170 cm / 5' 7"
65 kg / 143 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born into a lower class, poor family, Coyote is the middle child with an older sister and younger brother. Both siblings opted to attempt social climbing within the empire to improve their status. Coyote chose a different path, one not approved by her family.

She joined the Imperial Navy at age 15, lying about her age to gain entry. She started as a mechanic and advanced through the ranks to become a skilled pilot.

Using her life experience in the military, Coyote set out on her own in a hauler to gain credits to afford bigger, faster ships. Working tirelessly as a space trucker, hauling biowaste from Sothis back to the bubble for processing, she clawed her way up and saved every credit to eventually outfit a ship for space mining and set off on her own for months at a time to bring back holds full of low temperature diamonds, painite, and void opals.

Taking advantage of a mining boom, Coyote was able to amass billions of credits and upgrade her fleet as well as purchase a fleet carrier, Susitna, to store and work out of. Tired of living her life alone, she founded a squadron, Without Sun. Having no more contact with her biological family, she has opted to create a new life with other commanders who also live on her carrier.

Enjoying living aboard her fleet carrier with like minded pilots, Coyote has lived many adventures and had countless memorable experiences with her new found tribe. She is looking toward the future with more hope than she ever thought possible.