Personal content

Real name
Gregorio Cortez
Place of birth
Beta Hydri
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR Gregorio Cortez born in Leonir Port on Beta Hydri system on 12.11.3252 orphaned by his father. After at the age of almost discovering his family background, decided to gather enough credits to buy a ship and enlist the Pilots Federation, with the intention to examine his father's crease. Worked for multiple logistic companies as engineer, co-polot and pilot before earning enough money to buy his own ship. Plays his own agenda. Despite his imperial family roots, his attitude to both Federation and Empire service is opportunistic and, above all, he always plays for himself.

Son of Imperial Squire Antonio Cortez born 23.12.3202 on Vequess who was lost in action doing secret mission for Imperial Navy, last seen on 13.07.3252 heading to CD-37 15492 system.

Grandson of Imperial Navy officer Lord Victorio Ramirez Vasquez Cortez who died on military mission in Ross 47 on 31.03.3205 aged 48.