Personal content

Real name
Tyy'sun Eson
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
72.5 kg / 160 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Federation diction
In 3250, hearing word of the ouster of the Federals by Alliance forces, the Eson family immigrated from Federation space to Olgrea with the hopes of establishing a life for themselves independent of corporate rules and regulations preventing them from gaining an economic foothold in their former community. Finding the competition steep in a system expanding rapidly under Alliance control, however, left the family forced into the agricultural industry. For the Esons, the going was tough and financial wealth was hard to come by. By 3264 Tyy’sun Eson was born, a middle child among several brothers and sisters. Working the fields to help his family make ends meet over the years, by programming agricultural drones, higher education was not in the cards for the young man. Thankfully that did not stop him from pursuing a passion for personal studies on his free time. For most of his young adult life it did not appear that his opportunities would advance far beyond agriculture but that never stopped Tyy’sun from dreaming of exploring the stars and pursuing scientific endeavors. However, at the age of 35, a local amateur racing competition, another of his hobbies, netted Tyy’sun Eson a unexpected windfall: the award for first place being a stock Sidewinder! This changed everything and though his family hated to see him go, they watched him blast off for the stars with pride.

Fancying himself an explorer and a scientist, Eson has made his way from the life of a simple hauler to an eccentric deep spacer over the course of many years. He has embarked on several expeditions and has since come to view himself as something of a self taught researcher. Though he lacked the formal education to back this up, he amassed over a billion credits through Universal Cartographics field work alone, grew his portfolio and submitted serious proposals for research grants on his ‘Grand Theory of Abiogenesis in the Milky Way’ in which he claims to have experienced several breakthroughs on the 'In Search of Gwydion' and other expeditions. This work paved the way for a rather temporary membership in the elite Intergalactic Astronomical Union where he achieved the rank of associate scientist. Though the relationship was short lived, this accolade legitimized his scientific career and opened further doors as both an explorer and an exo-biologist. Ultimately, Eson joined the Stellar Cartographer's Guild as a storied and capable explorer and scientist. Taken seriously for the first time in his life, Tyy’sun Eson became determined to blaze further trails, taking an independent streak with him wherever he goes, for better or for worse.

Months and years have not brought the completion of the ambitious scientific theory, but through it's pursuit Tyy'sun participated in the founding of a new colony in the Core. This ambitious teraforming colony may be the furthest such effort known from Sol to date, enabled by the presence of the Azura Initiative, an oasis of carrier stations anchored deep in the core forming a bubble of independence and self determination. Over the course of a year and the unexpected disappearance of former director of AI Jbshadow while on expedition, Tyy'sun has become a member of the Tribunal itself. From this administrative platform Eson is able to help facilitate exploration of the Galaxy's core and it's biological secrets beyond the constraints of the bubble, and help establish a new destiny for mankind unfettered by the ancient dogmas and tyrannies of it's womb.