Personal content

Real name
Taylah Lexisis
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Unknown; Dyed Purple
Eye color
Imperial Accent
Commander Minerva Liltu was born in the year 3280 in Corngari, later attending school in the System. By the time she was 17 she knew she loved science and seeking answers to the unknown and getting a license with the Pilots Federation would allow her to follow her curiosity. During her years training for her license she saw many attrocities carried out by the superpowers and private individuals in the name of patriotism and profit she swore to use her skills to support communist and cooperative movements in the galaxy and hoped her efforts would bring bright future for humanity. Upon qualifying for a Pilots Federations license in Feburary of 3307 she took the name Minerva after a goddess of knowledges and wisdom in far ancient civillisation of Earth in Sol, and Liltu a deity associated with snake representing her desire to go where ever she felt and not just follow the straight easy path. After a month of having her Pilots Federation License she returned to Corngari and found a squadron named the Skate Fast which with later digging revealed that the full name was Skate Fast Pilots Union and their values alligned with hers, she sent a application to join and was accepted.

After a Disagreements with the leadership of the Skate Fast Pilots Union she left to create a new Union which she believed would better work to her goals.