Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
S004A: Segmentation fault -- archive corruption at 100%
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......criminal record for numerous counts of fraud and unlawful destruction. Subject fled the system after the trial had ended.
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......showed promising signs of a fruitful career within the Federal Navy up until now.
......In response to the subject's actions, his internal rank and privileges have been revoked, though a fake auxiliary rank of 'rear admiral' has been assigned to avoid inquiry from the Pilots' Federation.
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S005A: Warning -- archive corruption at 40%. Dumping intact information...
......Imperial Citizenship application accepted. Name: Robert Butler (Note: not yet verified). New city/station of residence: Bauman Station (Kokobii). Declared allegiance: Kokobii Empire League.
S005B: Warning -- archive corruption at 73%. Dumping intact information...
......"and you deleted the transmission code, correct? ... Good, then your work here is complete" [Emergency atmosphere removal detected in deck 2B] "Now just to scrub the archives and I can finally move on from this"
S005C: Segmentation fault -- archive corruption at 100%
[No more archives found, printing retrieved information]