Cmdr Resolute3K
Explorer / Diplomat
Registered ship name
Little Giant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Keelback RE-17I
Overall assets
Cosmic Independent Agency
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Edwardo James Coria-Terez
Place of birth
Year of birth
160.5 cm / 5' 3"
79.5 kg / 175 lb
Build type
Athletically inclined
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Maroon
Eye color
Retina Enhanced Emerald

Localized transgressions against my previous squads were almost forgotten when the random Alliance Crusader on a Thargoid interception mission took me by surprise. surviving the grievance, my tiny exploration crew mutiny in Celaeno went horribly, based on major conflictions of their scientific viewpoints, differing from my own, on a regular basis. Much was learned last year, as some paranoid delusions linger, set backs that I wish was not lessons learned.

"What should be taught from pirate attacks? How to prepare?"

I have officially decided to become proactive and joined up with a fresh start in a new Faction, The Cosmic Independent Agency ('The Agency' as we call it), and also I have already been promoted to official 'Agent' assignments. This also means the crimes against me in the past can be handled more appropriately.

If you would like to know what the CIA is, please visit us here, The Agency. Recruiting is 'open'.

This new life. A dream comparison to the past I couldn't avoid. No longer aligned in full support of the Diamond Frogs, means I have been tolerant of most career detours but that is changing. I can afford the Exosuit my other mates told me about. That makes me owner of a Xeno research tool I have never had before...o7

Being independent of Federal Oversight jurisdiction and less Military contradiction was not the better path. That Frog oversight committee that does well in their own eyes, but does nothing compared to my potential leading my own group, forging a large desire to over take Rochester. My legit efforts depend on a general correction made in my career choices. The end result is a new perspective, in a new squadron.

I claimed the primary Xeno Research Center, but it was merely a subset of a rival Faction represented at Melvin Terminal in the underwhelming Asturindjin system. So I sold out to the rival of the Port Authority and will never regret it. We worked together in that region of space to expand into any important stars charted in the process. Most importantly, I made a few secret alliances with prior Mercenary partners that can change my rivals opinions. All I need is time and a new Fleet Carrier parked in my Headquarters, just in case their leaders demands are too high. I can escape investments intact more so from 'the Bubble' and not grant scumbags commonality. Proactive psychosis instead of sanity, states 'No one can go to war with themselves and survive it' . . . planning always went awry back there.

During the past few months I have scrambled to buy supplies and transport ships to accommodate all the new missions they're handing out in these random outlets. The rest of the teams are still in training & recruiting, until we will are able to 'share the wealth' with the Faction ascensions. We are settling in where ever that political adjustment is taken place...o7

The Elite come and go, but the Diamonds Frog is never more dangerous than Scorpius venom*

[HOT-SHOTS = Screenshots of Hotspots]

If you have travelled this far to my area at the bottom of my profile on INARA.CZ, I do appreciate it CMDRs . . o7

The Agency is recruiting heavily after gaining support to upgrade our new Head Quarters in the Tawega system. The CIA is an autocracy that has faith in the Galaxy's potential as free citizen pilots unite for the common good but still must maintain vigilance in the chaos that is the Bubble. Our teams are investigating numerous accounts of corruption in non-governed Faction controlled territories and in the wake of recent terrorist activity the teams are recruiting more for the likely prospects with AX experience in hand as well. That may yet be inexperienced as trainees, but useful as Confederate wing mates for any escort duty. Wary CMDRs would be most inclined to visit the INARA landing page for The CIA...o7 (Deutsch/English)

The Agency