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He left a military career over ethical contrasts, discovering soon an inclination for commerce activities that allowed him to quickly acquire a heavy combat vessel used to support piracy suppression activities over many inhabited regions. A fast financial grow added many specialized ships and in the end sustained the acquisition of FC Red Nova as main mobile hub of enterprise activities. Then he started cooperating with many Powers for technological supplying and in particular supporting Anti-Xeno Initiative against Thargoid aggression to human ships and infrastructures, where his fighting skills where significantly improved. Looking for better knowledge about alien structures and technologies he started short travels in uninhabited regions that fed fast his passion for galaxy exploration. He started then his first long range expedition, in the "In Search of Gwydion" convoy, proving ground of very specialized activities in isolated and undiscovered systems, and later a second one to Beagle Point, where his vessel and navigation ability were tested travelling border astronomical topology. Now back in the human region has started a review and improvement of his fleet while preparing materials and financial funds for the incoming new technological era. He still supports activities of xeno-investigation and contrast to Thargoid infiltration.