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I had always had an interest in technology and from an early age tried to pursue this. When the opportunity arose , however, I decided to invest my money into a beat up Sidewinder and see what the Galaxy had for me.
It was at this point I stumbled across GreyBeard Delta, a group of likeminded Cmdrs. A group of Cmdrs that were interested in all aspects of Stellar life....from exploration and mining, to trading and combat, eventually this would lead to us aquiring systems and a large family of planets and like minded individuals.

So it stayed like this for a number of years, until news from home changed a few things. I had to return to Sol, and deal with some family issues (very difficult at the time, and only now is the "grey mist" starting to clear) I eventually made the decision to retire from the PSN division of GreyBeard Delta, and transfer my assets and skills to a new division of GBP ...the PC Division (knowing that this would bring with it not only new challenges, but also new opportunities)

So now a new chapter has been started for Cmdr BZSm1th (formerly BazingaSmith), I stll contribute to the GBD efforts and will hopefully continue for many years to come.

I shall endeavour to keep everyone updated with my actions and look forward to seeing my GBD Brothers soon

Fly Safe o7