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ADDC Staff Series Vol.3

Cmdr. Sjay0404
Co-owner & Operator
A skilled core miner and explorer by trade, Cmdr. SJay, was not born planet side. A natural born spacer, “SJay” has travelled to some of the deepest regions of space, where he found his true callings as a killer and space weed enthusiast. It is through his search for the perfect weed, that he met Cmdr. Medicinalone139 & Cmdr. Vv3vV while temporarily working with The Otter Academy. Cmdr. SJay0404 was one of the early combat pilots to tap into guardian technology. This expertise along with his creative and somewhat suicidal combat tactics proved an invaluable resource for the future club of the ADDC. “SJay” is a dedicated teammate with an unmatched enthusiasm for space flight and combat but new members must take advantage of his knowledge while the night is young…..before the Onion Head weed takes hold and he reaches vegetative state. “SJay” who has a weakness for old skinny women, is also rumored to have had a fling with the famous engineer Felicity Farseer shortly into his engineering career. It is from this encounter that it is believed Cmdr. SJay may have contracted a severe case of Galactic Gonorrhea.
Pulse Lasers, burst lasers and corrosive shells.
Primary Ship
Vulture and Anaconda
Best known for:
Stealing subsurface deposits and cores from unsuspecting miners, excavation of guardian tech, actually being able to hit a target despite his canopy being filled with a cloud of smoke from all his space weed.
What I love about ADDC:
“Favorite thing about my squad is they’re Natural Born Killers, each one willing and able to hold his own and ready at a moment's notice. We might have all started humbly oh, but we have all risen to the challenge. Nobody Cries. Nobody wants. Everybody understands you stick to the code. Anyone who falls behind is left behind.. and we are all still here.”