Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
184 cm / 6' 0"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
South-Eastern European
In the year of 3285, on 13th of March, on planet Earth, a new life emerged from the poor suburbs of a major city located in the south-east of a continent known as Europe. This new life would soon find itself in a very hard environment. It is still a mystery how the child was brought into such a world in the first place. The information about the child's parents were never found as if they never existed. The earliest reports that exist about this child start to appear when he was at the age of 10. Roaming the streets, surrounded by despair and misery of such an environment, the child struggled with basic needs of food, water, medicine and shelter. Criminal reports show light robberies of market vendors and kiosks, but what was stolen was never exchanged for something else, instead he would turn himself in to the police to be able to spend some days within the warm walls of government objects, with free food, water and clothing. After these incidents, the Federation agents operating in the streets soon learned about this child and offered him a place within the Federation military, where he would get a place to stay, eat, learn, study and later on earn his place among the finest servicemen and have a great future. The child was happy with tears of joy and couldn't wait to finally taste a better life, a life that would later open many paths to freedom and his goals.

In the next 4 years, this young individual, even with the lack of knowledge about basic things, due to his past of living in the streets, managed to overcome his obstacles and beat his classmates in military school in each subject, earning the status of an exceptional human being with great understanding, imagination, improvisation and overcoming difficult tasks that not many could solve or pass. Throughout his career, this young individual managed to climb the ranks quite efficiently, in the end ending up serving aboard a Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser. However, this career and way of living would soon find troubles, as this is not what the young commander wanted to do for the rest of his life. After some months aboard the Farragut, he would step down from his military career on good grounds and continue his life a different way, however still keeping some good connections within the Federation military in Sol, if there's a need to call in a few favors.

At the age of 18, with much knowledge young commander received, he would turn towards a different way of living, as a civilian. With some credits he saved while living within the Federation planetary installations and Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser, he would buy his very own ship, an Asp Explorer. He would use this ship to do some cargo delivery missions, working as a freelancer, while establishing good connections with both the suppliers and buyers. He was quite successful in the first couple of months, in the end buying a Type-9 Heavy. A big vessel with a hauling capacity of 752 tonnes. With this ship, the commander earned millions of credits and started his own transport/logistics company that was proven to be more than just successful in The Bubble. He would later start expanding his fleet and number of employees and because of his improved financial situation, managed to attract more and more suppliers and buyers that would use his services at a very fair price. The overall situation for this, young yet very intelligent CMDR inspired by trade and profit, was getting better each day. But he could not accept that what he's doing is all he wants. He wanted to achieve more than just what he has at the moment.

CMDR started helping his workers and their families in finances without asking anything in return. This would make him get better reputation and general image about himself as a person of trust and someone you can rely on, as long as you do your best. The people he helped started spreading great stories about him and the workers he helped did their absolute best to keep his company growing. What more could this CMDR ask for? He would later expand his company, dividing it into 3 major branches, each focusing on something that would benefit the other branches. These branches were mining, refining and trading. First branch was dedicated to mining, the second branch was dedicated to refining while the third branch was dedicated to delivering and/or supplying needed buyers. Properly organized, established, great coordination of all three branches would turn his company into being recognized on the market. In 4 years, this individual done the impossible and seized every opportunity to work into his favor. Later on, the CMDR would buy a Fleet Carrier, where he was able to extend his transportation/hauling abilities and provide buyers with more commodities that would last for months on the buyer's side. This was a huge plus. However, everything was set and nothing more was needed. Later, the directive board would be handed the responsibility of owning the company, while the CMDR focused on exploring with his very own Fleet Carrier named Destiny Ascension. The company still performs excellent, following the CMDR's footsteps and actions.

The CMDR would later join the Deep Space Support Array, DSSA for short and would position his Fleet Carrier in a fixed location in Ryker's Hope, Scheau Blao AA-A H513 sector. Destiny Ascension is currently stationary over there and will remain there for the rest of the its life, as much as that's possible. However, his actions would not stop here. With the recent event of Tritium shortages in outside The Bubble, the CMDR thought it was necessary to establish a Tritium Supply Depot North-East of Sag A*. Financially stable and capable of maintaining Tritium supply operations, he would supply his Fleet Carrier with the help of other CMDRs, buying it and selling it. Something like this is not profitable, but it turns out that the point is to supply other CMDRs in need of Tritium passing through the area who are in desperate need of this commodity. CMDR is known for helping other players as much as that's possible, so he's dedicated to what he is doing in his free time. He would ask others to help him out in expanding this idea, but the question everybody ask him is: 'Is it worth it?'. The most simple answer to this question is yes, because it is not the goal that matters in the end, it's the journey that you undertake to achieve this goal.

This is not the end. This is only the beginning of a new story.