Personal content

Real name
Tyler Rubeum
Place of birth
Year of birth
184 cm / 6' 0"
89 kg / 196 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Tyler was born in the Albardhas system in the year 3285. As a young dragon, he aspired to be a pilot someday, and dreamed about taking to the stars. He studied astronomy for a few years, analyzing different star systems and planets, preparing for his dream of flying through the blackness and the outreaches of the galaxy. One day, that dream came true when he obtained his pilots license and his first ship, a Cobra Mk3. He learned the basics of flying really quickly, as he had studied the intricacies of every ship sold by Zorgon, DeLacy, Saud Kruger, Lakon, Gutamaya, and Core Dynamics, learning what every piece and button did. Within only a few weeks, he felt like a professional, fighting crime with other more experienced pilots, trading goods, and building his credit balance.

After a few months of tinkering with his exploration ship, he made his first voyage to the Colonia system, but it took him longer than most people, as he was unaware of the neutron highway at the time. he would later state that had he been aware of it at the time, it would have take him a lot less time to make it out there. Nevertheless, he was able to explore far out in the black, wanting to see what Colonia was like, and what lay beyond it. After a few successful trips to the distant system, he make the trek to Sagittarius A*, and was amazed when he set his eyes upon the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, and he would go on to say that up until that point, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. After a while spent at a station nearby the vast black hole, he decided to make the ultimate journey: Beagle Point. With his trusty Asp Explorer, he hopped through each region, stopping occasionally to take pictures of the fading starfield around him as he neared the galactic rim. They didn't call the region Beagle Point was in "The Abyss" for no reason. It really was like looking into an inky void, almost completely devoid of other stars. When jumping into the system, he was very surprised to notice that it wasn't completely devoid of life, even this far away from the bubble, as other commanders had parked their fleet carriers in this distant system. He snapped countless pictures on the surfaces of cold, dead planets, wanting to show his friends when he returned to the bubble. Parking himself upon a very famous fleet carrier, he sold his massive amount of cartographic data, racking up millions of credits in the process. This was worth the trip after all, he thought, and although it would be a long trip back home, he was excited to tell his friends about his journey when he got back.

On August 28, 3309, with a little help from his friends, he was able to successfully purchase his fleet carrier, The Lair, which was the thing he had been looking forward to owning ever since he found out about the. Now he doesn't worry about having to find the perfect home system, as every system his carrier jumps to is his home system. His carrier resides in the Tatil system along with his mate's carrier, THS Shiroyama.

Even though today he is ranked as Deadly, he still has a lot more to learn, as does every pilot out in the black.

They are currently in a relationship with Wortzenhein Abonichi as of September 3, 3307.