Personal content

Real name
Dirk Djently
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I love to read -- real science or science fiction in particular -- and I have my own book project in the pipeline. It'll take a while to complete. The scope of the project is as vast as anything I've ever read, and I've read some pretty epic tales. My favorites tales? Everything by Asimov, particularly the Foundation & Robot series', which I've read at least a dozen times in my life. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is my favorite book series of all time, as you might guess by my handle. Anything by Frank Herbert.

I play several instruments. Bass guitar and drums & percussion are my favorites, but also guitar, keyboards, singing, etc. I'm in the process of building a small home-studio to record my own music. This is a long work-in-progress, as there are not a great many leaves on my money tree, and music gear is quite expensive. I recently acquired a new bass guitar: a Spector NS-5 Dimension 5-string multiscale with Fishman Fluence pickups. The Fishmans are the best pickups I've ever had on an instrument. Highly recommend them to anyone looking for new levels of sound clarity, which must be heard to be believed.

I play Elite Dangerous on MX Linux, which happens to be my work development environment, and very powerful. It's not been the easiest journey getting ED to play nicely but now that it does, I get top-tier framerates in Ultra on a GTX-1080 GPU. In Horizons. Only in Horizons. Odyssey has too many bugs to be playable and I'm not particularly interested playing a FPS in the first place. I'm here to fly.