Personal content

Real name
Iaened Bourne
Place of birth
Year of birth
176 cm / 5' 9"
83 kg / 183 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Iaened Bourne was born to two Federal Navy Officers, Lt. Commander Leroy Bourne and his wife, Captain Kaliyah Bourne. Both met during their service to the Federation, at one of the Admiral's christmas parties, and immediately hit it off. It wasn't until Leroy was attending a briefing on a Federal Navy Intelligence operation, several years after marrying Kaliyah, that he found out exactly what his wife did: she was in charge of the operation!

Following in his parent's footsteps, Iaened joined the Federal Navy Officer's Academy, and graduated in the top percentage of his class, excelling in the Ship Command portions of the final exam, causing his instructors to peg him as a future Capital ship commander. Due to his mother's service, Iaened was approached by the Intelligence branch and recruited and trained as an undercover operative for a very specific assignment, with the promise of a fast track to a ship command of his own as a reward. At the age of 20, after training for several months, Iaened was sent on his special assignment, ending up in Imperial controlled space with the goal of tipping the vote for Emperor in Princess Aisling Duval's favour. The view from the Federal Navy was that the Princess would be the easiest to manipulate, and that a younger operative would be able to earn her trust more easily.

After establishing himself within Princess Aisling's political organisation over a period of several months, both Iaened's mother and father were arrested and executed on trumped up charges of treason during an internal, and heavily hushed up, Federal Navy power struggle. Upon finding out, through one of his contacts, Iaened became distraught, seeking the comfort of the only person he could turn to: Princess Aisling herself.
Believing the Federal Government to be responsible for the deaths of his parents, and that he, himself, was a target, Iaened confessed everything to the Princess, who, in turn, admitted that she had known all along that he was a Federal Agent but had said nothing as he was helping her cause. Iaened realised in this moment that the Federation severely underestimated the Princess, and grew a newfound respect for the Princess. He pledged himself to her service to atone for his subterfuge, which the Princess accepted without hesitation.

Over the next year, Aisling and Iaened worked together on her claim to the throne, as well as feeding the Federation false information. The Princess also promised to investigate his parent's deaths using her own contacts. The pair quickly became almost inseparable, with Iaened insisting that he do whatever he could to repay Aisling for her kindness, and the Princess more than happy to have someone close to her age around that she could trust fully. It was during this time that Iaened earned the scar on the back of his hand saving the Princess from a knife wielding attacker, stepping in between Aisling and the blade whilst using his hand to stop the blow. Being the closest the young Princess had ever been to an actual attempt on her life, Aisling shut herself away in her bedroom, refusing all but Iaened entry to her room; eventually crying herself to sleep in his arms.

By this time, Iaened had established himself as a strong member of Imperial society in his own right, and saving the life of the Princess earned him a rise in social standing, despite the attempted assassination going intentionally unreported by GalNet. Despite his new standing and personal friendship with Aisling, the young man, four years the Princess's junior, did not feel comfortable admitting his romantic feelings for the Princess - he believed that it was simply not possible for a relationship with Imperial Royalty to ever work. As such, Iaened begun to start distancing himself from the Princess's affairs: an act that did not go unnoticed by the Princess, though she initially stayed quiet.

After the coronation of her aunt, the now Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, the Princess summoned Iaened to her private residence. Iaened had begun working up the courage to admit his feelings, expecting to be dismissed from his service to Aisling, being unable to live with keeping a secret from a woman he had fallen completely and utterly in love with. As such, when he entered the Duval residence's interior, the now 21 year old was taken completely off-guard by the full on lips kiss given to him by the resident's only occupant: Princess Aisling. That kiss started a very private relationship between the pair that has been kept completely out of the general public's view, earning the Princess a reputation for being a bit of an ice queen in shunning advances from potential suitors.

More recently, Princess Aisling called on Iaened to create a Foundation that would support both victims of Imperial Slavery and narcotics addictions: thus, the Aisling Duval Foundation was created.