Personal content

Real name
Hark Pendragon
Place of birth
19 Aquilae
Year of birth
180.3 cm / 5' 11"
104.3 kg / 230 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dirty Blonde
Eye color
Federal English
Hark Pendragon is the current Chief Senior Officer of Albion Interstellar.

A.I. is an independent squadron with a long history of showing up during pivotal moments in human history.

C.S.O Pendragon is the first leader of A.I. to have a vision of what Albion could be. On the 8th of June, 3307, he has successfully registered the squadron with the pilot's federation and got approval at the Galactic Summit to officially be recognized as a squadron. A very different direction and big step for the organization that has traditionally faded out when not needed.

Not long after this on the 27th of September, 3307, he took another step with A.I. and founded the Galactic Independent Confederacy. G.I.C is a faction open to all independent squadrons and pilots. The goal with the confederacy is to create a true concern of independents in the galaxy.
- Aarik Rölphyn, A.I and G.I.C Human Relations Administrator

Birth and Early childhood
  • System: 19 Aquilae - Station: Dabral Command Facility
  • Born at Dabral Command Facility Memorial Hospital on the second of November, 3228
  • Father: Balinor Pendragon; Chief Petty Officer Federation Navy - Mother: Morgause Pendragon; Vice Admiral Federation Navy
  • Name: Eugene Harkins Pendragon - Skin Color: Caucasian - Length: 60.2cm - Weight: 2.89kg - Eye Color: BLU - Hair Color: BLND
Born Eugene Harkins Pendragon on the second day of November in the year 3228. His mother, Morgause Pendragon, was an extremely highly decorated Ferdal Navy Vice Admiral. Her Corevette, Vengeance Avalon, is legendary in F.N circles. His father, Balinor Pendragon, was no slouch either. A decorated ACE pilot in the navy. He was the owner of the legendary Imperial Eagle Blood Strix. Hark, as he likes to be called, spent most of his childhood split between his mother's corvette and their home on base at Dabral Command Facility, where he was born. Hark had a fascination with large scale space warfare from a young age. Simulating historical battles and studying what the victors and defeated did right and/or wrong and how they could have changed the outcome of the battle. At the age of 12 he began working at Kikelomo Munitions to gain more familiarity with ship hardpoints and functionality.

Employment at Kikelomo Munitions Co.
  • System: 19 Aquilae - Station: Kikelomo Munitions Company
  • Started Kikelomo Munitions Co. on the eleventh of December, 3240
  • Job start: Logistics Material Handler - Job finish: R&D Munitions Technician
On the eleventh day of December in the year 3240, Hark Pendragon accepted a position as a Logistics Material Handler at Kikelomo Munitions Co. He was twelve years old, which is the minimum age requirement for a material handler position. He grew close with a member of management that worked in the companies research and development department named Robert Bastion. Bob, as Hark called him, was grandfather type mentor for Hark. After seven months as a material handler Hark took a job in the R&D department with Bob. Hark would test new munitions that Bob and his team would come up with. Hark would give detailed reviews on the different munitions. Bob trusted Hark enough that Hark could almost decide weather or not to move the munitions to the next stage of development. After five years in the R&D department, Hark had almost reached the age of eighteen. It was time for him to leave KMC and head to the Pilot's Federation Academy to earn his Commander's license. Bob and Hark still keep in touch to this day.

Student at the Pilot's Federation Academy
  • System: Dromi - Station: Mawson Dock
  • Started PFA on the twenty third of August, 3246
  • Graduated PFA on the twenty eighth of May, 3248
On the twenty third day of August, 3246, Eugene Harkins Pendragon completed the onboarding process into the Pilot's Federation Academy at Mawson Dock in the Dromi system. Hark wanted to learn as much as he could while at the academy. He attended as many courses in as many different fields as he could. Getting to meet legendary professors such as Dave Astro, Ed Exigeous, Kate Wilview, and many more. Absorbing all he could from them. Keeping himself as busy as he could so that he could not focus on the fact he had never been away from his home system before. On the twenty eighth day of May, 3248, Hark finished his work at the PFA with glowing repour from his colleagues and professors.

Back to the shadows, Enlisting in the Federal Navy
  • System: 19 Aquilae - Station: Sugimoto Military Camp
  • Enlist date: Nineteenth of July, 3248 - Basic Grad: twenty fifth of May, 3251
On the nineteenth day of July, 3248 Eugene Harkins Pendragon enlisted in the Federal Navy. While attending basic training at SMC, Hark enrolled in the Federal Naval Academy. Most FN hopefuls don't enroll until after basic training because of the immense physical, mental, and emotional stress caused by the training. Hark didn't care he wanted to be a year up on his colleagues. He wanted to be their leader. Lead by example, push himself to the brink and keep going. Show the men and women that he was training with, he was able and willing to do the most to give them all an edge. He wanted to show the instructors that he was not going to get by on his family name alone. He was his own force to be had. He completed his basic training on the twenty fifth of May, 3251. Many of his comrades and instructors could not hold their emotion in as he accepted his cadet patch along with a medal for his role as a class leader. His mother and father were beyond proud to see their son following in their footsteps and doing a damn good job along the way.

Success. Growth. Tragedy. Destruction.
  • System: 19 Aquilae - Station: Gavrylyuk Defence Base
  • Twenty ninth of May, 3255 graduated from the Federal Naval Academy
  • Seventh of August, 3251 reported to post - Ninth of September, 3264 relieved of duties
  • Starting Federation Rank: Cadet - Role: Patrol - Peak Federation Rank: Warrant Officer - Role: Wing Leader - Final Federation Rank: Midshipman
On the seventh day of August, 3251 Eugene Harkins Pendragon reported to post at Gavrylyuk Defence Base in the 19 Aquilae system. He was assigned the role of patrol. Hark was not excited about this position. It was largely just flying around the system and aiding the system security force if the criminals got out of hand. It was an easy, safe, and good job. An entry level job with a free ship. Most cadets are ecstatic to get it. Not Hark, he wanted a wing. To hunt the nastiest dirtiest scum that plagued Federation space. He settled and used the gravy job in order to focus more on his academics. He did have one particularly exciting day while patrolling 19 Aquilea. He was assigned to help the system security at the navigation beacon. A wing of four known Mafia of 19 Aquilae commanders dropped in on the beacon. There was an outbreak a few systems over and the mafia had been spotted disabling and stealing goods from humanitarian relief ships. Hark moved in to run a kill warrant scan on the goons to check their transgressions. He was only allowed to engage if hailed by the system security. Two brave security vessels moved in to scan as well. While scanning one of the mafia members opened fire on the security force almost immediately dropping their shields. When SS returned fire it was clearly obvious they were out gunned and out matched. All four mafia crew were elite combat pilots according the Pilot's Federation database. They hailed for assistance from Federation patrol. Hark and his wing-mates engaged with the mafia. It was an intense and tough battle. When the smoke cleared four mafia had been dispatched and five were detained and sent to a prison system. Hark, mostly harmless at the time, was able to get three confirmed kills in his Eagle MKII. The SS described what the saw as efficient and smooth like a river. Hark's ability to weave in and out of combat and take almost zero impact from the mafia ships was miraculous and awing. They had never seen a pilot with such natural combat skills. The PF moved him up to expert but some were still banking on beginner's luck for what transpired. By 3255 Hark had earned quit a bit of respect in the small Federation circles around 19 Aquilea and on the twenty ninth day of May Hark graduated from the Federal Naval Academy. He was top of his class and also graduated top in both his majors. Combat Technology and Space Warfare Strategy. He saw this as his first major achievement in life. By this time he was a Petty Officer in the FN. He had his own unit but still used his Eagle that was given to him as a Cadet. Most P.Os move up to the Dropship. Hark stated the Dropship was impressive but lacked the agility to effectively combat the smaller ships most criminals use in 19 Aquilae. He continued to impress and climbed his way up to the Warrant Officer rank by early 3261. This climb was stalled when tragedy struck. On the twelfth day of October, 3261 both Hark's parents, Balinor and Morgause Pendragon, died in a freak FSD malfunction aboard his mothers Corvette, the Vengeance Avalon. It was a sad day in the Federation as both were very decorated soldiers. Hark, unable to accept it was just a freak accident, launched a personal investigation into some very powerful members of the navy. Over time this got him in a lot of trouble and demoted a few different times. Eventually he became too much of a nuisance to deal with. On the three year anniversary of his parents death the F.N court marshalled Hark and dishonorably discharged him on multiple counts of insubordination. He felt betrayed by the Federation and left 19 Aquilae.

Independent Security
  • System: Unknown - Station: Unknown
  • Twenty fifth of October, 3265 takes on first private security client
  • Fifth of February, 3268 takes first security detail with Emrys
On the twenty fifth day of October, 3265 Eugene Harkins Pendragon accepts his first private security contract with a client. It was a simple job, he just had to escort a trader on a short seventeen point two light year trip to another system and station to drop off some cargo. The job went without a hitch and Hark was paid. Hark did mind the mundane simply jobs he was taking. It was feeding him, keeping his Viper MKIV, Excalibur, running, and keeping the brandy flowing. It was a lot less tense than the life he left but there was a thrill to being independent for the first time in his life. He did these little low risk odd jobs for about two and half years. Then on the fifth day of February, 3268 he met someone named Emrys. This Emrys was average in every sense of the word and didn't standout in any way. However, he had a wisdom and intellect about him that Hark liked. Over the next couple years Hark performed many tasks for Emrys and they grew pretty close. One day Hark finally asked Emrys what his full name was and what he does for a living. Emrys just smiled and told Hark his name was Emrys, period. He worked for a shadow organization as old as the Empire called Albion Interstellar. As Emrys began explaining to the young Pendragon what Albion was all about Hark could feel it calling him. He needed to get in. Emrys claimed he would speak with the C.S.O and some of the officers to see if they were interested. Then all communication with Emrys went dark. Hark couldn't get ahold of him at all. Hark moved on and continued to work as hired security. Then on the eighteenth day of November, 3273 he gets a message from Emrys. All it had was a system name, 19 Aquilae. Hark couldn't believe it, the nerve. Ignore him for almost three and half years then invite him to the one place he has spent the last nine years avoiding. Hark couldn't believe himself but he plotted a course to Aquilae.

Albion Interstellar
  • System: 19 Aquilae - Station: Scobee Landing
  • Nineteenth of November, 3273 joins Albion Interstellar
  • Start Rank: Ambassador - Current Rank: Chief Senior Officer
On the eighteenth day of November, 3273 Eugene Harkins Pendragon arrives in 19 Aquilae. It was late, 2300UTC, so Hark locked in on Scobee Landing. He arrived and had not received anymore transmissions from Emrys or anyone from A.I. Docked and decided to go to the bar to have a drink before heading to bed. While at the bar he received a message- "Be here at 0830UTC." - Emrys. He quickly glanced around for his old friend but did not see him anywhere. He gave up and headed back to the hanger. Hark preferred sleeping in his own ship. It's cheaper and he is less likely to be disturbed. The next, morning Hark headed to the bar at about 0815UTC. When he arrived there was only a few people there. He did not recognize any of them. He sat down in a booth. Soon after he saw Emrys stopping by the bar for a second then approaching him. He hadn't changed much. Still as average as every. They spoke for a while catching up. Hark had it out with him about the communication gap but in the end they moved on from it. Emrys told Hark AINT was interested in recruiting him. They spoke longer and then Hark and Emrys stood up. They shook hands and Hark was officially an Ambassador of Albion Interstellar.

3283: Has become very close to the C.S.O and has earned his way into the inner rings of A.I. Now considered an Officer.
C.S.O: Yan Kamiino

3295: While teaching at the Pilot's Federation Academy he meets a young intelligent and talented pilot named Jericho Rolkein.

3299: C.S.O steps down because of health issues and promotes Hark Pendragon to be the new C.S.O of Albion Interstellar. "Hark is as good a leader as anyone else here but he also has skills and vision. These two traits will launch Albion Interstellar to new heights." - -

3307: Over the last 8 years Hark has dealt with doubt, both internal and external.