Personal content

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NOTE: Due to serious concerns regarding file security, certain elements of this report have been redacted to protect the integrity of this investigation

ALIASES: Rufus Maximus, Buzz Alderaan, "Ash"
AGE: 33 (approx.)
DOB: Unkown
HEIGHT: 1.95m/6ft5in
WEIGHT: 88kg/195lbs
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unknown (SolSec files indicate subject has a juvenile criminal record on Earth)
ALLEGIANCE: Paladin Consortium (no known major affiliations/pledges)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PERSONALITY PROFILE:
Subject is considered to be psychologically stable, is generally non-aggressive, displays higher than average intelligence, has a known predilection for anachronistic clothing (particularly late 20th/early 21st century garments and accessories), as well as a fascination for antique books, weaponry, and art/media.

Although generally compliant with law enforcement agents, subject displays a cavalier attitude towards constitutional laws. [DATA REDACTED]

Foreword: I have made it my personal mission to find out exactly who this individual is, and to what extent he is involved in the criminal syndicates of Sol. He is elusive, and has a significant interest (and possible contacts) in SolSec operations (as evidenced by the fact that the subject photograph in this profile was provided directly to me,  via personal data transfer, from a source claiming to be the subject himself!).

Subject Biography:
The subject was first known to SolSec when he was arrested in 3281 for removing books from the historical archives of Earth History Centre. The subject claimed to be the son of Prof. Wagar (then director of the facility). The Professor vehemently denied any familial connections to the subject (who named himself as Rufus Vegas), although the facility later dropped all charges. It is my speculation that the subject may be the illegitimate son of Prof.Wager, although no birth records exist to substantiate this.

In 3283 the subject was apprehended in the process of vandalising a communications terminal in the public lobby of Abraham Lincoln terminal, Sol. It was unclear how the juvenile Rufus had made his way to the orbital without supervision, and without passing a single security check-point. It was later discovered that he had deposited a crude but effective data snooping device in the terminal. It is unclear to what extent the data security of Abraham Lincoln was breached as a result of this. Unfortunately the subject had already been released from custody into the supervision of an approved social care representative. This representative "lost track" of the subject within 12 hours of taking custody of him. The subject would not be seen by SolSec again for almost a decade.

In 3293 [DATA REDACTED] was arrested whilst attempting to flee Sol after committing an attempted murder. During his arrest a late 20th century firearm, and 7 rounds of gunpowder based ammunition, were seized. Under interrogation [DATA REDACTED] revealed that the weapon was sold to him by an individual known as Buzz Alderaan, from a Core Dynamics Vulture (designation "Alderaan's Jab" ) docked at Trevithick Dock in LHS 3447. The Vulture was later apprehended in the same system, and a warrant was issued for it's commander to be transferred to Sol for questioning.

During the Vulture commander's interrogation he insisted that he was in fact Rufus Vegas, and not Buzz Alderaan. After the standard detention period, Rufus (strongly believed to be the subject of this report) was released due to a lack of evidence tying him to any wrong-doing. It was later discovered that the ID tag of officer [DATA REDACTED] had been stolen. SIDE NOTE: It was during this investigation that SolSec first obtained DNA samples of the subject, previously impossible as he was a juvenile at the time of his earlier arrests.

One month later a customs official at Li Qing Jao encountered an individual with a SolSec ID tag attempting to gain access to customs evidence lockers. Although the individual left the customs office without warning (whilst the official, Mr. [DATA REDACTED], was verifying the ID tag) SolSec investigated the incident as a potential security breach, and discovered that the ID tag had been hastily altered, the name contained within the tag was simply given as "Ash". The investigating officer (Det.[DATA REDACTED]) remarked that he felt the ID tag was left as a taunt, particularly as the name "Ash" included quotation marks and a emoticon. Of course, the tag transpired to be none other than that which was stolen one month previously. The mysterious visitor matched the physical description of the subject of this report.

Since taking over this case in [DATA REDACTED] I have uncovered numerous references to Rufus Vegas, Rufus Maximus, and Buzz Alderaan in interrogation logs from various security forces throughout the "bubble". In all cases, the physical description of these individuals matches perfectly with that of the subject of this report. On occasions when material DNA evidence is available, it too matches that of the subject.

The subject is implicated in smuggling activity, evading arrest, pad loitering, station trespassing, and minor assault of security personnel. An individual identifying himself as Rufus Vegas has also claimed numerous bounties against pirates and anarchists throughout imperial, and alliance space, as verified by agent [DATA REDACTED].

Most recently, the subject appeared on the roster of the Paladin Consortium, a loosely banded but fiercely idealistic group of liberal pilots and commanders.

This is a GREAT story Agent McCuvvy, it really is, but you missed the part where I turned your favourite undercover agent (I still see her sometimes, y'know?). Also, it's time to change your password!- RV