Personal content

Real name
Thomas A. Villiers
Place of birth
Year of birth
188 cm / 6' 2"
83 kg / 183 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
*** Imperial Internal Security Service (Kamadhenu System): Loyalty Assessment ***
*** Subject: Villiers, Thomas Aubrey ***
*** Date: July 27, 3306 ***

*** <// FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY //> ***

<// EXCERPT //>
Interviewing Officer: "Please state your name for the record."

Subject: "Thomas Aubrey Villiers"

Interviewing Officer: "This interview serves to assess your status as an Imperial citizen and former Imperial naval officer. In order to verify the records, briefly provide a biographical description of yourself."

Subject: "Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning, then. Or rather my beginning. I was born on my family's estate on June 18, 3266. The Villiers' family estate that is, on Kamadhenu 1. Maybe you have heard of the Villiers? My governor, or rather, my father is... was Lord Steven Villiers -- he has recently passed."

Interviewing Officer: "My condolences. Please continue."

Subject: "Thank you. My mother is Diane Villiers, maiden name of Vickers. I am the 3rd of 5 siblings... middle child, eh. Comes to show, I suppose. The Villiers' have been estate holders and clients of the Lavignys' since, as my father used to say, since the dawn of time. I assume he, of course, means since the family arrived in the Kamadhenu System -- ancient history that. Aside from the estate, my father -- well, no, my elder brother now, the title and the holdings have passed to him, Francis, now -- anyway, the family holds a controlling majority in Vickers-Villiers Manufacturing. Agricultural machinery, mostly. Some minor shipping interests as well, but rather regional."

Interviewing Officer: "Education?"

Subject: "The usual, I suppose. Boarding school in Kamadhenu. Then off to the Imperial Navy academy, Achenar. The typical career of a middle child of an Imperial squire. Cursus Honorum and all, after that."

Interviewing Officer: "During your naval service, where did you serve?"

Subject: "Nothing extraordinary. Capital ship duty for a few years. I was then seconded to the Imperial Patrol Constabulary Service until it was subsumed by the Navy, after which I spent the remainder of my service on the Navy's logistics staff."

Interviewing Officer: "... and after you left the Navy?"

Subject: "I am afraid this is somewhat of a cliché, but I went to work for the family business. My father made me head of Vickers-Villiers' logistics operations."

Interviewing Officer: "A position you left. Why is that..."

Subject: "My elder brother, the now-Lord Francis, and I had a... disagreement with regard to company policy. Well, family policy, but that is identical."

Interviewing Officer: "Please elaborate."

Subject: "It involved a woman... of a social standing neither my father nor my brother thought appropriate for a scion of the family."

Interviewing Officer: "I see. So you joined the Pilots Federation."

Subject: "Yes, the wayward child, so to speak. I set out to make my own name and fortune. And, if I may say so myself, reasonably successfully so. Well, at least I could support myself."

Interviewing Officer: "What happened to the woman you mentioned?"

Subject: "She chose to remain on Kamadhenu 1 and marry another man, of rather large wealth but dubious moral and social standing... if I may be allowed the opinion."

Interviewing Officer: "Why have you returned to Kamadhenu?"

Subject: "Nostalgia... No, in reality to see my gov... my father one last time. He had been gravely ill for some time and had finally summoned me. And now I am here to honor his dying wish that I serve the Emperor. The Lavignys have always been good to our family, and my father felt it was just and honorable to have me serve them to the best of my abilities. I gave him my word..."