Personal content

Real name
Haloran Raas
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
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Born to an Arthian hangar technician in Midgeley Dock, Haloran was exposed to the comings and goings of wealth seeking starships from an early age. Joining the Pilot's Federation was inevitable but after a brief stint hauling agronomic treatment locally, Raas found himself straying from his strict father's wishes to stay in the Arth system and ventured further out to the frontier - perhaps following in the footsteps of his deceased mother whose fate was decided on an exploration expedition when Haloran was just a child.

Having relocated to Disci after making considerable wealth in the core mining trade, he pledged to the powerful independent faction Dark Echo and has climbed their ranks quickly. He's now the Commander of Dark Echo Fleet Carrier, The Haven and keeps a watchful eye on several systems within their considerable territory.

In 3307, Haloran briefly returned to Arth for an ashes service following his father's passing. Ironically, the old deck hand was crushed by a damaged exploration vessel returning to port.

Raas is an infamous veteran from the Battle of Virtanen - a particularly gruelling war for control in the LP 552-48 system. He's also affectionately, albeit unofficially known as the Mayor of Baila, a system he now calls home.