Personal content

Real name
Dayko Madori
Place of birth
Kereng Dimani
Year of birth
180.3 cm / 5' 11"
81.6 kg / 180 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
"I was born on a small farming community, never more than a family loving, star gazing child. I began saving credits here and there for years, what little I could profit from farming, and what I could scrounge up either legally or not, to buy my first ship. My whole drive at the time was to get away from the farm and be a part of something bigger. I loved his family, sure, but I knew my destiny was in the stars. After what seemed like a lifetime of saving, with a healthy contribution from my parents for my 23rd birthday, I finally was able to get my first sidewinder. Then there was the fateful morning, just as the sun began to rise on INDUSTRIAL FARMING COMPLEX 88, the attack happened. They came like a wave of destruction without warning, or mercy. The Thargoids were upon us. System defences didn't show, we couldn't even send a distress call off world. Within an hour the entire colony was destroyed, the only survivors were those who were lucky enough to be passed over. Thankfully I was one of those lucky few. I hid underneath the catwalk to our habitation unit, watching as my father tried desperatly to fight them off. It wasn't much of a fight. Then they found my mother. God I can still hear her screams as they dragged her away. Yes, that's right, they took her. Everyone I've told doesn't believe a word of it. "Thargoids kill people, they don't take prisoners." Yeah that's what they've always said isn't it? They didn't watch their own mother get dragged onto those damn bugs' ship and hauled away like some kind of trophy. That's when I knew what my calling was. To find and kill every last one of those bug motherfuckers, and figure why they took my mother. And I will not fail." -Dayko Madori