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Fleet Commander ‘Joe’ Remod
Orphaned and sold as a slave to Admiral Morgana Remod of the Imperial Navy, who oversaw galaxy wide trade for the Empire, a young Joe Remod learned negotiation skills by tagging along with the Admiral on many of her trade missions.
With his keen negotiation skills, Joe became a trade ’emissary’ or ‘liaison’, often requested by factions outside of the Empire.

Joe gained his freedom by decree in the will of his owner – who died in a mysterious ambush by outer faction pirates during a trade mission – of which emissary Remod was uncharacteristically absent.

After the death of his overseer, the Empire offered emissary Remod a commision in the Imperial Navy, needing his expertise and contacts to continue relations and pursue new trade deals with the Federation, Alliance and Independent factions. It was during this time that Remod gained rank quickly in the Imperial Navy and secretly, the Federation and Alliance – leading to suspicions of being a spy.

Remod dismissed these notions stating that as a valued trade envoy, he was being rewarded by both sides because a good deal is one in which both parties are pleased.

Cmdr Remod’s trade delegations were a sight to behold, several fleet carriers and luxury class starships – all painted a brilliant white. Being a well known intermediary, Remod traversed untouched through conflict zones and waring systems.

Upon retiring, Remod has devoted his time to several philanthropic activities, as well as being a key figure in the abolitionist movement within the Empire. With his past trade contacts, Remod has secured opportunities of freedom for enslaved subjects, both Imperial and of outer factions. His fleet carrier, Joe’s Garage, is crewed by former slaves whos freedom he brokered.

Because of his extensive trade network, Cmdr Remod is still called upon to handle delicate and sensitive negotiations from time to time, for all factions.