Personal content

Real name
Mako Corran Dolphus
Place of birth
Year of birth
188 cm / 6' 2"
68 kg / 150 lb
Build type
Skin color
Light Beige
Hair color
Cobalt Blue
Eye color
Bright Blue
Australian English
A drifter by nature, Mako has rarely had a place to truly call home after leaving their birth system in a measly Sidewinder. In time, they would make more than enough of a name for themselves to retire any day and live peacefully for the rest of their life.
At some point, they fell in with the Utopia faction, after a small stint with the Alliance. A better humanity is always far more noble than the pedantry of the usual bickering of powers- and they got a far more suitable body to boot, even if it did cost them a good few credits.
A chance encounter with another commander, and now a good friend, would lead them to a far more permanent, if also stationary goal, however:

Join together with a small band of like-minded pilots, and help spread the seeds of a better humanity in the Acamar system, in the heart of Aisling Duval's space. This new group would become more than just companions, and rather quickly at that- and in due time, the Horaltic Phoenix was born.

Mako cares for their newfound family and home just as their factions co-founder does, and will defend it with their life. And for everything their co-founder prefers in stealth, Mako is just as capable of doing it openly and proudly- even if it means taking actions few others would be capable of doing.

"There is always a sacrifice to be made. Those more capable of sacrificing for their goals are likewise more capable of achieving them."