Personal content

Real name
Christopher Schuff
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Commander Schuff's history is a mystery. In late August of 3305, he awoke in the cockpit of a heavily damaged Diamondback Explorer, that was in a degrading orbit near the event horizon of a black hole in CD-26 1339. Despite being injured and his ship suffering multiple hull penetrations and system failures, he was able to regain control, break free of the black hole's gravity well and set his ship down on a local planet where he was able to repair his ship and return to the bubble. The Pilot's Federation had no record of a pilot by Mr. Schuff's name, and even the ship's registry was returned as lost/destroyed, almost 116 years prior. Psychological evaluations cleared Mr. Schuff as fit to obtain a Pilot's Federation flight Permit, despite the loss of memory from all events prior to August of 3305. The Pilot's Federation has been closely monitoring Mr. Schuff and by digging into genealogy logs, hoping for some piece of puzzle that will shed some light on who this person was.