Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
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Hair color
Eye color
The details of my life are quite inconsequential....

Born from a hearty stock of military explorers on Earth, I ventured into military service as a young adult. After my time was up, I saw no reason to continue with that life and set out for the black in the hopes of finding anything better than the barrel-end of a rifle.

At first, I scraped by with any job I could muster, but soon realized that I was good at one thing: bounty hunting. Life is funny that way, try to make a new life and the old one follows you around forever. And as the bodies piled up, so did the credits.

And as the credits piled up, the sharks came out to play, and soon I found I myself involved with the wrong people. So much so that my identity was stolen, and I was sent away for a little while.

Now I'm back and just trying to make it in the 'Verse.

Whether that means bounty hunting, trading, simple mining, or corporate espionage is anyone's guess.