Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180.3 cm / 5' 11"
88.9 kg / 196 lb
Build type
Well built
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
After VOYAGER returned home from the delta quadrant, things have been going great, i am in command of a small fleet of ships and i have made it to  X3 elite.

Starfleet has asked if i wouldn"t mind helping them out with pirates in the galaxy after the retirement of captain jean luc picard, the pirates are causing a lot of destruction theft and are killing good commanders for their own satisfaction, starfleet has assured me i would be the next captain of the USS ENTERPRISE, i decided to take them up on the offer as long as i could rename her as i felt no one can replace captain picard on the flagship of the federation, reluctantly they agreed and decided infact not to rename the ENTERPRISE D, they would build a newer version of her and i would have the privilage of deciding her insignia which i though a great place to start, i renamed her the USS ENTERPRISE NCC 1701 X, she will be fitted for combat on my very own specifications in order that she can protect the galaxy in combat against piracy.

I have been with the federation some time and now have semi retired although still with the federation if i can help, i am a free agent now but sti8ll in command of a small fleet of ships, i still hold to the federation laws and ways, commanding my fleet of ships and helping any factions as a freelancer and this is what i try st stick to.

So now,  who knows? retire as a miner? or explore the galaxy?

One thing is certain, have served my time fighting crime for the federation and i have some decisions to make about my future.

I will allways be with the federation, but maybe its time to relax and let the new young commanders save the galaxy.

I will relax, and enjoy some mining and exploring of my own, i think, and i will continue to chart star systems for sol, abriham lincon space stations stellar cartography.