Personal content

Real name
_____ Crane
Place of birth
LFT 133
Year of birth
181 cm / 5' 11"
74 kg / 163 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR Sgt Crane grew up on a backwater planet in the Alliance's territory, far from the glitz and glamour of the core worlds. Despite their humble beginnings, he always dreamed of something bigger - of seeing the stars and making a difference in the galaxy.

As soon as he was old enough, Crane enrolled in the Alliance's flight academy, determined to become a pilot and serve their country. He trained hard and studied diligently, and eventually graduated with honors, eager to make their mark on the galaxy.

But as he began their career as a freelance pilot, taking on missions for various clients, Crane realized that the galaxy was a much harsher and more dangerous place than he had imagined. He saw firsthand the suffering and injustice that the Alliance's enemies inflicted on innocent civilians, and he knew that he had to do something to stop it.

One day, he was hired by a wealthy businessman to transport a large amount of cargo from one planet to another. The businessman provided him with an Orca, but the ship was in bad shape - it had been damaged in a previous mission and was in need of extensive repairs.

Undeterred by the challenge, Crane saw an opportunity to turn the damaged Orca into something even better. He scoured black markets and underground auctions to find rare and powerful parts, using their skills and knowledge to overhaul the ship's engines, weapons, and defenses.

As he made more upgrades and modifications, the Orca became more than just a ship to the young pilot- it was a symbol of his resourcefulness and ingenuity, a testament to their ability to turn even the most hopeless situations around.

But it wasn't just the Orca that was changing - The young freelancer was changing too. He had started out as a naive idealist, but as he fought and defended the values of freedom and democracy, he grew into a skilled and determined pilot, ready to take on any challenge.

About halfway through his journey, Crane joined the Alliance Rapid Reaction Corps, eager to use their skills to fight for the Alliance on a larger scale. He quickly rose through the ranks, using their Orca to spearhead daring missions and strike against the Alliance's enemies.

And as he flew through the stars, fighting for what he believed in and using their modified Orca to outmaneuver and outgun their foes, CMDR Sgt Crane knew that he had found their true calling. He was a pilot, a warrior, and a defender of the Alliance, and nothing would stop them from fighting for what was right.