Personal content

Real name
Amyra Avery
Place of birth
Year of birth
170 cm / 5' 7"
55 kg / 121 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Amyra Avery, a 27-year-old intern at a renowned gunsmith firm, possesses a lethal combination of intellect and ruthlessness. Though energetic and bright, she harbors a dark side, often resorting to violence and wickedness. Her first victim was her former boyfriend, Bert Justin Scott, who she murdered out of jealousy, believing he was flirting with others. Since then, she has left a trail of blood behind, claiming the lives of her sister Breanna and her friend Ben.

Born into the Bestiian ethnicity, Amyra identifies as straight. She began studying gun engineering in college but left the course unfinished. Strangely, she has a grasshopper allergy and an obsession with bottled water. Physically, Amyra maintains a decent shape, with an average build, white skin, black hair, and striking green eyes. A skull tattoo adorns the space between her shoulder blades as a testament to her sinister nature. Raised in a middle-class neighborhood, Amyra never knew her parents and grew up in a series of Imperial foster homes, shaping her into a loyal Imperial slave.

Currently, Amyra is involved with Rodney Kay, a fellow 27-year-old who works as a Lazarus cook. Her best friend, Elizabeth Macdonald, also an intern at the same company, shares a mostly harmonious relationship with Amyra. They enjoy testing modified firearms together.

Nickname: Goth Amyra
Date of birth: Sunday, 31st Dec 2980 (Age 27)
Star sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Bestii
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Social class: Middle class
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Straight
Education: Some college
Course: Gunsmith
Political views: Centre
Relationship status: In a relationship with Rodney Kay
Career path: Pilot federation
IQ: 113

Employment History:
  • Intern at extermination firm: Brainbugs Inc., 2998 - 3002, terminated
  • Intern at gunsmith firm: Horris Bullet Associates, 3002 - 3007, resigned
  • Freelance pilot: 3007 - present, recruited through a cryptic message from an unknown ally

Hobbies: marksmanship, orchestrating murders, culinary arts, social card games, binge-watching TV series, chess, meditation, camping, dining out, stealing candy from babies, running
Favorite Foods: jammy biscuits, dough ballss

  • Intern at exterminator firm: Brainbugs Inc., 2998 - 3002, fired
  • Intern at gunsmith firm: Horris Bullet Associates, 3002 - 3007, resigned
  • Freelance pilot : 3007 - present, called by mysterious message of unknown friend

  • Bert Justin Scott (late boyfriend)
  • Breanna Annie Avery (sister)
  • Ben Theodore Hale (friend)
  • Lee Alyssa Walsh (friend)

2980-Age 0 Amyra Avery is born
2981-Age 1 Sister, Breanna Annie Avery is born
2982-Age 2 Mother, Jenna Toby Cox, and Father, Louis Howard Avery, abandon the family
2984-Age 4 Amyra exhibits early signs of violence, killing an innocent hamster
2997-Age 17 Begins a relationship with Raymond Brooke Lawson
2998-Age 18 Relationship with Raymond Brooke Lawson ends due to infidelity on Amyra's part
2999-Age 19 Begins a relationship with Elijah Kay Wall
3001-Age 21 Amyra murders her sister, Breanna Annie Avery, who dies at age 20 (poisoned)
3002-Age 22 Relationship with Elijah Kay Wall ends (Elijah seeks someone more gentle); Amyra is fired from Brainbugs Inc.
3003-Age 23 Amyra murders her friend, Ben Theodore Hale, who dies at age 25 (poisoned)
3004-Age 24 Begins a relationship with Bert Justin Scott
3005-Age 25 Amyra murders Bert Justin Scott, who dies at age 33 (poisoned)
3006-Age 26 Amyra murders her friend, Lee Alyssa Walsh, who dies at age 26 (poisoned); begins a relationship with Rodney Kay
3007-12-26 Present Day

Amyra's life has been a tumultuous journey, marked by a series of turbulent relationships and sinister deeds. Despite the darkness that surrounds her, she has managed to find some solace in her hobbies and friendships. As a freelance pilot, she now embarks on new adventures, navigating through the vast expanse of the galaxy, all the while leaving her mark on the world with each deadly encounter.