Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name: Nikolas Calhoun
Age: 34
Born: 30th August 3268
Place of Birth: 42 Aqualae B5 - Federation Space

Height: 6’3”
Weight: 87 kg
Build: Slender
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde


So you want to hear a story, huh? Well I’ll start with my name. I am Nikolas. Why don’t you sit down and grab a drink? I am a mercenary and bounty hunter. I grew up on a farm on the fifth planet from the second star in 42 Aqualae. I used to help my dad out during my teenage years, but I’m not going to bore you about details of childhood and farm work. Don’t get me wrong. I had a good childhood and I was close to my parents, but my place is out in space, dealing with other people’s problems for a living.

So where to begin huh? Well I graduated the Pilot’s Fed academy at the age of 25. Scored my first kill while assisting a trade ship through a rather unsanitary part of space. Thought I was a real hot-shot after that. Up until my ship at the time got blown to dust when I bit off way more than I could chew in some low-key mining hotspot. It turns out, you see, that a newjack in an Eagle should not be taking on a hardened crim in an Anaconda in a one on one fight. Those big badass ships sure are juicy, but they’re juicy for a reason. I haven’t made that mistake for a long time.

Your glass is looking a little empty. Time for a refill huh?

Now? Now I fly around in my Fer-de-Lance, Apollo. She isn’t one of them fancy Saud Kruger variants mind you, but she still is a pretty thing and she’s my home in the stars. Took me eight years to get her, and you bet I look after her. Brand new? No way. A brand new Fer-de-Lance is too steep. If you know where to look, though, you can find excellent deals on second hand ships. Just be careful with some of those dealers eh? You don’t wanna end up with a lemon that breaks down, ‘specially not around these parts. Apollo. She’s fast, reliable and not something you want to be on the wrong side of.

Who do I side with? Whoever’s got the cash for me to make their problems go away. Sometimes it’s law men whose pet project left their jurisdiction and needs someone to bring ‘em back to face punishment. Other times it’s businessmen with way more money than sense who have a beef with another business man with way more money than sense. Occasionally it’ll be some crony who got a little enthusiastic with pissin’ off the pirates next door, though most of the time it’ll be the pissed off pirates offering the hit job on the overly enthusiastic crony.

Do I have enemies? Is that a serious question? Have you ever met someone in my line of work that hasn’t managed to make someone grumpy? Of course I do. Few pirates here and there, a couple of corporations I got on the wrong end of, few mafia types. The thing is, buddy, if you’re shooting things for a living, there’s going to be a lot of people wanting to space you. You gotta watch your back out there, but to me that is part of the thrill.

Alright, buddy. It was nice chattin’, but I gotta wrap this up. Job’s calling. You take care out there.