Personal content

Real name
Stefan King
Place of birth
Year of birth
177 cm / 5' 10"
95 kg / 209 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Green-blue + 1 scarred eye
Texan+New england+ Midwest
Being born into a military family, Stefan was the grandson of a former Federal Capital class commander, his father being a tank mechanic. His family line went back millennia; 1730, everyone had served in the military. Except for young Stefan. He chose to become a private pilot at 14 and started his journey on becoming a commander of his own vessel. At the age of 17 he got his license and his first ship, his Sidewinder. Soon after becoming a pilot he was picked up by a group of Bounty hunters due to his skill, even in a lower teir vessel he could kill much more difficult targets. Soon they got him into bigger and better vessels. Even quicker than that though he got the attention of Commander Froydor, the CO of the Galactic Rangers. Proving himself even still as a young adult CMDR Froydor took him and his bounty hunter friends under his wing. Nowadays Stefan spends his time as the chief enforcer for the Galactic Rangers, present in 80 systems there is a lot to do, but he still finds time to hunt the most dangerous of game in the galaxy; Thargoids. But when not on patrol or wiping out the thargoid species Stefan is seen working on his pride and joy; a Federal Corvette dubbed "The Flying Ducthman". You can often find him hanging around in Ranger space, preying upon those who wish to do harm to the Rangers. If he isn't in Ranger space then he is often times tagging along with AXI Commanders as they wipe out the Thargoid presence. Also being able to take on Medusa class interceptors solo and take on Hydra with an ally at his side he is a formidable pilot to start. Albiet his disdain towards dealing with people, despite his ability to come off as pleasant and nice means he spends much of his time alone, killing Human and Thargoid alike.