Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
~General Identification~

Birth Name: Markus Omni
Date of Birth: 09 January 3282
Location of Birth: System Cubeo
Age: 20
Height: 1.81m/71.4in
Weight: 93.3kg/205.7lbs
Hair Color: Black, shaved
Iris Color: Default Brown
Skin Tone: Pale

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~~~Common (Current) Clothing~~~

Wearing a faded grey light combat armor Remlock suit. Similar to what you might find on a standard planetary police enforcer. Not something meant for actual combat.

Wearing a silver ring with blue jewels. A memo.

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~Health Inquiry's~

Born with Congenital Skeletal Abnormalities, had to undertake multiple heavy intensive surgeries to realign-replace specific bones in the Skeletal Apparatus (this accounts for the abnormal weight discrepancy, despite already retaining a slight athletic build)

Born with MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome), went under many microsurgery's and bodily function defacto's- to the result of a slightly overworking system, at the risk of a severe cost in life span, and functionality. Is known to cough up blood due to the constant harassment of the drugs and medicines he is forced to take.
(Note: immune system is surprisingly resilient)

(Note2: Failure to utilize provided medications will result in the specimen's immediate reversion to total body failures)

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>~ Notable Achievements ~<

Served aboard the Hiatus for two years and six months as the ship's primary mechanic. Until it got blown up, and he had to jerryrig a Taipan along with the remains of a Viper in order to escape his space island.

Can stick to and walk on certain metals despite a lack of gravity. Useful for traveling and space fighting. Not so much in earning nicknames.

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}- Sidenotes -{

Father (Scott Omni) is currently the CEO of Gunner's Runners, a very successful clothing industry that largely supplies the textile needs of the Empire's on-world training military facilities (however many versions have been disclosed for purchased to non-military persons. His company also partakes in occasionally designing comfort  luxury shoes made for ferromagnetic grids, commonly found in larger ships such as Python's, Anaconda's, and the Cutter.

Mother (Stephanie Omni) is a middle-high class ranking ambassador for the Empire who primarily visits the "offshore" powers rather than the main three. From speaking directly with Simguru Antal regarding their utopian desires, to first hand witnessing the rise of Yuri Grom in Euryale, she is quite prideful for her reputation.

Two Brothers (Yen and Thomas Omni), the former graduated the military with top marks, and latter being an top secret engine scientist.

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Important Dates:

As of 03 January of 3303, Markus is currently enrolled upon the Hiatus, an Anaconda (along with 9 others), serving as an Engineer/Turret Gunner for a slave trader known as Jakob Huggins.

09 Hiatus destroyed by bounty hunters.

13 Escaped shipwreck and made it to the Inara system.

23 Met and hitched a ride with Amar Epsilon to Nanomam.

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Story Summary:

A not-so-dark man walking down a not-so-lit path