Personal content

Real name
Tony Salroka
Place of birth
Year of birth
187 cm / 6' 2"
161 kg / 355 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Federation - Backwater
Born in the Namnetes system, Commander Salroka was brought up by a pair of independent miners who spent their days in the mineral-rich rings of the system's multiple gas giants. His time on his parents' ship (a Python named "IMS Herbert Hoover", owned by Evangeline's Elite Expeditionary Force) was spent first in the mess hall assisting the ship's cook, and later in the engine room managing the demands of the ship's massive power distributor. In time, he struck out on his own as a member of EEEF's Exploratory Division. It was during his time in one of their Diamondback Explorers (the ISS Alvarez) that Commander Salroka's life changed course forever.

It happened on October 3rd, 3303. While exploring the Pleiades at the behest of EEEF and Universal Cartographics, Commander Salroka was hyperdicted by a Thargoid Interceptor. In an unarmed Diamondback Explorer, he stood no chance against the massive alien vessel. Knowing this, Commander Salroka maxed the engines, hit the boost, and jettisoned his cargo before rushing to the ship's escape pod. This quick thinking may have saved his life, as the alien ship seemed more interested in the abandoned relics than the occupied escape pod. When remembering this moment and thinking what could have happened had the alien taken an interest in the pod, Commander Salroka still cannot help but shudder.

After this day, it took much time to rebuild his life. The years were spent jumping from system to system, doing odd jobs for various factions, and finally being certified as an independent pilot. Soon after his certification, Commander Salroka went home to Namnetes and became a Cobalt Runner. This lucrative but somewhat dangerous trade earned him enough to buy a Python of his very own. To make a long story short, he shifted from mining to bounty hunting for a time... even going so far as to befriend many engineers. Todd "Blaster" McQuinn in particular became a good friend of Commander Salroka, as the Python (and eventually Anaconda he piloted) fielded only Multicannons. Unfortunately for Commander Salroka, the acquisition of his very own Anaconda would lead to tragedy. Against the advice of his navigator and engine room staff, he became cocky and flew into the jet-cone of a White Dwarf... and lost control of the ship. While he managed to navigate out of the maelstrom, the ship was catastrophically damaged and over 80% of the crew perished. The ship could not be salvaged and had to be scuttled.

Unable to pay for the cost of a new ship and ashamed of losing his crew, Commander Salroka enlisted in the Federal Navy. He rationalized that doing so would teach him discipline and to value the input of those more experienced than himself. This decision seemed to be a wise one, as he rose quickly through the ranks of the Federal Navy Auxiliary to reach the esteemed title of Rear Admiral. Not only did this grant him permits to several systems that other pilots could not enter, it also allowed him to acquire one of the mightiest ships an independent pilot can obtain: The Federal Corvette.

Now possessing a fine ship, the military discipline of a Federal Officer, and a newfound desire to help others who might go astray as he once had, Commander Salroka jumped around from system to system doing missions for various factions as he had once done. In time, he settled in Morixa and did bulk cargo missions for Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar, a name recently made famous in the Anduvandal system. This boring but lucrative life suited him for the time being, and he seemed to accept it as his lot in life. That is... until the appearance of the "Stargoids" post-HIP 22460. Having been the first Commander to FULLY map the system, Commander Salroka felt a personal connection to HIP 22460. The utter destruction witnessed there spurred him to action once more. He would resolve to assist anyone displaced by the hostility of the "space bees" (as he calls the Thargoids), using his considerable wealth and influence to bring the Fleet Carrier "Folkvangr Hall" to the system HIP 71737 and found the faction known as the "Xeno Refugee Coalition".

In HIP 71737, which is on the far side of the human-occupied "bubble" from the direction the Stargoids appeared and are estimated to exit hyperspace near Sol, Commander Salroka and his new allies in the Xeno Refugee Coalition have vowed not only to assist anyone displaced by the Thargoid conflict REGARDLESS of their superpower affiliation... but also to house any of the Thargoid Peace Activists arrested by the Federation at their expansive facility at the Kozlov Penal Colony on planet HIP 71737 2 C. This expansive prison compound has wings for General Population, Minimum Security, Medium Security, AND Maximum Security. As such, it is an ideal place for the Federation to house those suspected of betraying humanity to the Thargoids.

As of the date this biography was updated (November 24, 3308), that is where Commander Salroka stands in the galaxy as a whole. He leads a small but important faction on the edge of human-occupied space and is poised to be a significant asset to all those negatively affected by the recent escalation in the Second Thargoid War.