Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Pilot Information
Full Name: Luke Martin McLeod
Unique Licence Registration (CMDR): Luke3107
Date of Birth: 20 July 3277
Gender: Male

Physical Description
Height: Approx 175cm (5ft 9in)
Hair Colour: Very Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Features: Multiple Surgical scars to lower back and upper legs. Dragon Tattoo on upper left shoulder.

Born on Serebrov Station in the Yakabugai System he lived with his parents and younger sister in the middle district of society. Never considered rich by any standards, but certainly far from poor this lead to several incidents from a young school age right through his teens with the so called "rich kids" jibing him for not having the latest gadgets, and the less fortunate refusing to socialise with him for being too fortunate. Incidents ranged from simple fist fights with other kids, to outright refusing to participate in school activities. The end result being he keeps very few close friends and not much more. Although in his adult life he has been known to approach random strangers if he feels they will be interesting to talk to.

The surgical scars are a result of the treatment he received after breaking his lower spine and both femurs in an accident while training for his Pilots Federation license. An accident that, by all accounts, should have killed him or left him paralysed. He has had his femurs fixed with cybernetics which aided in the repair of bone and muscle tissue, but have the fortunate side effect of increasing his running speed and reducing the muscle fatigue on his thighs. His spine was supported by metal rods which were removed after the bone was healed enough, however he has kept the metal as a souvenir.

He proudly emblazons his ranks and other achievements on a leather jacket not to brag, but to remind himself constantly how far he has come, and how far he has to go. He owes no allegiance to anyone in particular and as such, avoids getting involved with the politics unless he has something specific to gain from them.

His proudest achievement to date, is in being the first Buckyballer to complete their long standing Sagittarius A* Challenge using the recently developed Xb1 Cockpit Software, reaching an impressive 46th Place in the meantime (although he has recently moved down as other challengers entered the fray). This is a small accomplishment in the grand scheme of things but is one he his proud of nonetheless.

Other notes include
- Being of above average skill with small firearms, but being an exceptional long range marksman.
- Has a taste for late 20th and early 21st Century Movies and Music.
- Drinks alcohol but not very often, preferring to consume only on special occasions.
- Usually has long hair and stubble
- Considers himself a Jack of All Trades but a Master of None