Personal content

Real name
Felix Sandström
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
62 kg / 137 lb
Build type
Mostly skinny
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born onto the Alliance garden world of Leesti on the 30th of December, 3289. He was born in a rather unfortunate state as he arrived earlier than expected. But despite the unexpectedness of his arrival he survived his birth and went to be raised in a rather rural part of the planet on a farm with his family of five. Being the youngest in the family, he went to attend a local school with his sister and they both seemed to desire a pretty similar purpose and dream: to either join the Alliance Defence Force or a similar military. These dreams were further reinforced as they lived quite close to a military starport. Felix would stay up at night and listen or even watch as fighters and strike aircraft returned or took off from the base.

His dreams finally started manifesting as he moved into the city of Zaryon at the age of 16 with his sister, - although living in separate apartments and going to seperate colleges. At first he pursued a more broad education, studying arts and music before fully committing to his dreams and switching over to technology and vehicles. After three painful and long years in college, he finally graduated at the age of 19 in 3308, allowing him to seek to join a space academy school where he could undergo officer and pilot training.

At the age of 18, Felix joined the Zaryon space accademy where he first underwent a gruesome half-year long officer training (not before first undergoing standard infantry training for one and a half year(s).) and finally after undergoing a two year long pilot training, getting his pilot’s license and permission to fly and operate an Alliance Crusader.

At first he worked as a technician and repair crewman on a Viper before growing tired of the insufficient pay and lack of flying. In his spare time he researched other alternatives where he could finally live his dreams and fly an Alliance Crusader. And that opportunity arrived in him seeking employment at an understaffed PMC called: ”The Guns of Philanthropy”. He was invited to an interview shortly after applying. It was to be conducted like a regular interview but also a test flight in a simulation, proving whether or not he was airworthy. Felix proved himself to be a decent pilot, and although he thought he underperformed, he was still permitted to fly and he was to be in a newly assembled team called ”Raze”. Raze consisted of Felix, his WSO (Raze 2), a navigator (Raze 3) and a fighter escort (Raze 4).

The G.O.P and Raze were deployed to a small scale theatre close to the already war-torn planet of Farin. Despite the civil war being mostly dominated by the opposition they were contracted to fight, the G.O.P saw moderate success, even pushing the opposition back in some sectors. They were usually only acting as escort during evacuations, but on some occasions they were deployed to fight in an offensive. Raze was deployed like all the rest of the squadrons, performing rather well as the crew synergized quite well, racking up many confirmed and unconfirmed kills while usually suffering little damage. Felix was happy with his newfound employment, getting paid more than as a technician while also living out his dreams, but it was not to last.

During one very un-successful deployment, Raze was unfortunately crippled severely, taking a high-yield missile to their wing. Leaving most with burn marks, Felix took the brunt of the blast. Raze 2 took control of the Alliance Crusader as they retreated to base for repairs and medical attention. Felix and Raze 4 ended up having to amputate as plasma had scarred their bodies, rendering some parts of them unresponsive. Felix ended up with a transhumeral arm prosthesis on his left arm while Raze 4 had to replace both of his legs.

Felix’s enthusiasm was slightly swayed with his recent loss of his forearm, only being more reinforced as he started suffering from phantom pain, but he stayed with the G.O.P for as long as he needed to, having to fulfill his contract. During the last part of his deployment, he bore witness to war crimes from above, seeing the execution of prisoners, needless slaughter of surrendering enemies and many other atrocities that were handed out to the local insurrections and oppostion alike. He grew evermore disinterested, even slightly disgusted with the G.O.P as he eventually split off from the mercenary corps, returning back to Leesti along with the rest of Raze who felt the same as him.

When he returned to Leesti, it didn’t take long for him to eventually miss the action filled thrill of flying, and he knew that with his reputation as an alright pilot, he thought that he could maybe get another opportunity to fly a Crusader again, and so he did as he joined the A.R.R.C (Alliance Rapid Reactio Corps). Due to their rather impressive record, they were all assigned to a newly built Alliance Crusader, and by chance (or rather because the superiors had gone through their files), they were given the same Tac-name: Raze.