Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
188 cm / 6' 2"
80 kg / 176 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Introduce myself? Sure! Uh... My name is Z.O.N.I.C. , pronounced ,,zonaɪk". I have a habit of naming things with acronyms, including myself. I prefer to keep my original name in secret in order to keep my family members safe from things I'll discuss later.

I was born on the European continent of Earth in the Sol system. From a very young age I would look up at the stars in wonder. I often watched the space stations with my telescope to see the flashes of hyperspace jumps. I got to leave Earth for the first time when I was 14, but I didn't leave the system until I was 17. I still remember my first hyperspace jump! I visited Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Altair... the famous ones. But I wanted to see more!

In 3306 I received a mysterious letter, offering me a chance to become a commander. At the time, I thought it was just spam so I ignored it, but later one of my friends told me that it is in fact real and I should take it. This is how I became a commander in January, 3308.

I started my career in Dromi. At that time, I didn't think how independent I became. I tried to log my first 6 months here: My first 6 months
At the beginning of my 7th month as a commander, I finally became a fleet carrier owner! Its name is Magnus Caseum Navis. That is my first vessel which is not named with an acronym, and also my current home.

I don't like making enemies, but sometimes I have to. Sometimes that enemy is a criminal faction who would hunt me down no matter what. That's what I want to protect my family from. By family, I mean parents, cousins, my brother and other relatives. I'm unmarried, I have no children. I think it's not a good idea to have a close family with my dangerous lifestyle. You know... the kind that one day my escape pod might not reach a station.

I'm a fan of everything related to alien life. I'm also good at stealth and I enjoy blending into the crowd, be it at a public place or a private settlement.

I gladly work with other commanders of every skill level. I'm more than happy to give tips to the newer ones, but I feel like I still have much to learn.